Making a NEW SITE - What tips for GOOGLE Panda/Penguin update


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
hi guys

I haven't built a NEW SITE in a while (and I am going to now) and was wondering if you could point me to some good tips for making sure i rank well

I have been reading some threads - but would like to see if anyone has suggestions?

i am targeting local search
Focus on fresh content and build quality relevant backlinks from relevant sites.
social bookmarking
forums signatures
guest articles from blogs ( if they don't have guest article before, thatz great. need to contact owner for this)
profile links from relevemt and high authority sites with content
social sharing
What was posted above, and....

Don't over optimize content, keep KW density to 2-3%
Don't KW stuff the title, description, and meta KW's
thanks guys...learned a few new things here in this post
Make sure anchor text going to your site isn't all money keywords. Vary it up.
Original and unique Contents, social signals, some more social signals, Keyword diversification, backlinks diversification and finally drip feed your backlinks.
Have good content on your site, published as an educational piece, use outbound links within the articles, promote it to social channels, and build only quality links.