Make a couple bucks on autopilot free


Regular Member
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
For FB noobs and the likes....pros dont waste your time reading this as your
already making bank and probably already know this. Although it is shocking
nobody has mentioned it on here and in fact the APP only has 650 likes and 2k people on it.
So I think I finally got something to share thats really cool. Then again maybe not....Well just did a search of all forums and its not mentioned so maybe I will get crucified for this. Mods if this endangers a good thing and we need to take this thread down or move to VIP I understand.

I somehow tripped over a site that does automatic/scheduled fb wall/update posts. Example ...I want to post "Free ipad...go here...bitlee" and want it to post once per day at say 7pm EST....done. Then my second post i want..."Babel translator...go here"...again once per day but its foreign market so I schedule it at like 7am EST....and the list goes on.

It depends on your offer and your market, you can schedule as many as you want per day....well Im only doing 3 per day per account. Still in the testing phase so you can probably do more to stay on top of the news feeds and searches.

Also make sure that you click "everyone" on options for updates ie the little
lock for noobs under your profile/wall/Whats on your mind. Then spend some time and like the large pages that are relevant to your market. Make sure you have some keywords in your post relevant to the sites you would post if your doing "dental whitening" make sure thats in your post and you like pages with that keyword. What this does is put you in the search function. So if somebody searches "dental" and you have liked some pages and have key words you will show up on the bottom of the search. Didnt know that till I saw it for my own eyes. Tested it and it works. Alot more people interested in your niche will see your posts.

So if you have say 10 accounts with 5k friends each thats guaranteed your post is in front of 50k accounts per not all login at the specific times to see your "newsfeed" but there is alot of exposure there and its autopilot. Add in "everyone" or "friends of friends" and it grows exponentially. Again Im only
doing 3 per day different niches but "liked" all the pages relevant.
My sales have not gone down since putting on autopilot...stayed the same even though I stopped posting because of the proxie and roadblock issue. I can even see posts from accounts I cant get past the pic roadblock because I personally friended all those accounts so I could check them. They are still live even though I cant log in. Just a thought there.

Twitter is intergrated into this app so if you have a bot that can tweet they can set it up so your tweets go to your wall posts. I havent utilized that part yet as I am having hard enough time tackling fb.

Theres another trick I will share later on how to keep your accounts solid...well from experience I guess. I am no pro. There are guys on here alot better than me and making bank but they aint gonna tell you exactly how. And if they do its already been abused and your on the tail end of the Tsunami.

Just go to laterbro..........its an app in fb. Search it from one of your accounts, add it and follow the destructions. It tends to be a pain in the a** but once set up works like a charm. I dont have an affiliate link nor am I associated with this company at all.
PSS dont use fb in full name here. If you do then this thread will show on
google or search functions that fb will find and then the app will get shut down.

Use your common sense people.
More details to follow if there is sincere interest in this process.

Give thanks if it helped.

whats the name of the site that posts automatically on walls.
Its in the OP. "Laterbro", just search it on fb....well I can see how it may be confusing. Laterbro(dot)com is the site but you need to have your fb or twitter account open to reg.