Machine Learning and AI - A Journey to Mastery


Sep 9, 2020
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I've been programming for a pretty long time and I'm in college where I'm better at programming than almost all my batchmates. To stay ahead of my peers, I've been hastily learning as fast as I can, but soon realised that it is not the right mindset.

When I try to "get as much done as possible" I find myself being impatient, reluctant to learn topics that wouldn't help me in my short-term goal (which is to create an ML project to put on LinkedIn and get jobs/internships) but are very important for the long term.

To solve this, I've decided to master machine learning instead. It's not about the end, it's about the journey. I want to work in OpenAI, and only the greatest masters in the field get to work there, at least in the higher positions.

I also need to manage my time properly as I want to continue with my POD business and Instagram marketing accounts, and also my classes which use up 4-5 hours of my time. I also write weekly blogs for an authority website. All this makes up possibly the single biggest issue that comes in the way of my long-term goals, time management.

So here are my goals:
  • Until October 15, 2020: 5 hours of learning ML every day, no excuses.
  • By September 10, 2021: Make and ideally finish a huge AI project that I can monetize.
What I already know:
  • A lot of mathematics (mostly linear algebra and calculus, need to study statistics and probability much more).
  • I had also studied the math behind all the algorithms for deep learning but forgot most of it, gotta revise them later.
  • When it comes to actual coding, I'm okay at Numpy/Pandas/Matplotlib. I've done a lot of supervised learning, haven't dealt with much unsupervised tho. I know enough Tensorflow to be able to make neural networks and am currently studying Computer Vision (CV).
What I am currently studying from:
  • Hands-On Machine Learning book by Aurelion Geron. Fantastic book, explains everything in much detail. Currently at the end of Chapter 14 (out of 19).
I'm very excited to be on this journey! The idea of "mastery" was instilled in me by this book titled So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport. I'm still reading it, but it's doing great at explaining how to develop a passion in any field we choose to study. Highly recommend.

I'm not sure how to write this journal such that people are interested to see what's up. What parts of my journey would you guys like to see? Maybe I should add little images of things I created so that even someone who has no experience can see how cool it is.

Anyway, here's to a ton of fun ahead!

Edit: Also, should I put my POD/Instagram journey here, or make one separate journal thread for the business side of my life?
Good luck, it's kinda .com boom for nerd, there are lot of potentials if you understand AI.
That sounds really interesting, I have been on this road too, now I'm doing competitions on kaggle so I can probably give you some advice after my experience practicing machine learning.

- First thing I want to highlight is that most of the top ranking competitors in kaggle learned by practicing very few of them read highly mathematical books like ESL2, deep leanrning book...
- Leaning the coding frameworks isn't very important, most of the time when I wan't to use a specific machine learning or DS framework I just learn about it basic as APIs are often similar and very easy to use, also they get updated quite frequently so your knowledge should follow this trend.
- Understanding how neural networks work and having knowledge about the mathematical and statistical background of this technology is advantageous, that would give you an idea about what works and what doesn't and saves you a lot time so you avoid trying ideas that doesn't make sense mathematically.

I hope this will give you an idea on what's ahead of you, if you have any questions I would gladly answer them.