love it when it makes me smile

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Elite Member
Executive VIP
Nov 2, 2008
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Originally Posted by Gorillape
I'd like to purchase a lifetime membership for your proxies.
Let me know how to do it. Is there anyway to bundle mon-fri
with the weekend proxies as well for a low price?

and this is the reason i avoid low post members as signups

hay bro i like your service -- i can see what it costs for everyone else
80GBP mon/fri - 40GBP weekends if i buy both can i pay less than everyone
who buys it...

tell you what ape --- how about this ille teach you my service
it takes 6 hrs a day to do it
x7 days a week
48 weeks of the year
even though you will have one of the best rated s/box service on bhw
just for me for no reason i wanna discount what do u say ....

Hmmm I dont know. Guy asked you for a discount...surely hes entitled to ask..same way you are entitled to politely explain that your service is cheap at twice the money.
I get asked for cheaper all the time. I tend to not take offence.

Now i work with clients, and some of them are pain in the ass, now working with some and will get out with minimum loss, maybe small profits, but whatever, i promised him and will do my service even if i get loss, My bad, at least i will learn from it.

But on other side, there are a lot of cool guys, who just goes, ask 1 question if its cool, mostly answer yes and they are like: Ohh , cool, im sending money.

And thats all. So yeah, need to deal with bad clients, but when you got good ones, they will come back if you provide good service, and they will pay for all bad clients.
you will get more sales if stop bitching about your clients ....

i work 30 hrs doing my service mon/fri 0 refunds
when its already cheap i do find it insulting when they
ask for cheaper, so i always point out will they provide
a service 30 hrs a week / 49 weeks a year for 3 year
at 1 price 130$ -- thats 3 yrs ive done it name me anyone
who works for less ... ps i like bitching
Not my business but consider this; driving a wedge between you and potential clients creates a demand. A demand creates a supplier. If you have confidence your service couldn't be duplicated and maybe at a savings you can treat potential clients like this. Otherwise it is bad business. Someone will rise up and meet the demand and possibly acquire the clients and their referrals because of your bad business practice.

I'm a subscriber proxygo, but there is no reason or excuse to humiliate a potential client on a forum. I don't find it amusing or entertaining. Actually I find it immature and amateurish on your part.

I have several projects on the table but give me good reason to invest and service people you've piss off and I might consider it. Take care of your clients, potential clients and be kind to everyone else. That is my honest opinion.
Asking for a bundle deal is a fair enough request. If someone is asking for two services it makes perfect sense to offer a deal like that. If you don't, that is fine, but no need to post it publicly. There is no harm in being polite to the potential client. Personally, I do whatever I can do accomodate someone. I have a range of products/services - and they don't get treated any differently if they are a $27 client or a $100,000 client. I think that is good business and gets me a lot of referrals (even from people who I didn't end up working with).

Unfortunately, customers don't care how much time/effort you put into a service. They are paying for a service and expect to get it. If you are complaining about the time it takes you, consider a different business altogether or change your pricing model.

As an aside, with your service I think you would be far better pricing it at $37/month (price in USD not GBP - we are both in the UK but most international business is conducted in USD). You could even consider a free trial if your variable cost per client is minimal. Sounds like you just have to active an account for them, so might not be viable to do the trial.

You obviously have a good service and I can see that you mean well - but you're coming across as slightly arrogant (I am not judging and don't take this personally). Treat all potential clients equally and test a few different price structures - and I think you might be pleasantly surprised how much your business could expand.
Is that your English or did you copy paste it outright?

What are you actually complaining about? That someone wants a discount for buying multiple packages from you? Or is it that you are afraid to do business with someone new who happens to want to spend more money?
That's the way to do business. Insulting your potential clients and even creating threads to show it.
Are you by any chance selling the only existing method that is 100% sure to make you a millionaire in a week? Because if you aren't selling that, it's really strange
how you can have this type of behaviour as you are holding in your hands the last piece of food on the planet and people have no choice but to beg you for it...
Change your attitude towards your clients. As meathead said if you offer quality services and you treat your customers with respect, even people who haven't worked with
will recommend you, while if you continue your current attitude even people who have never worked with you "won't recommend" you.

Also I know the feeling when you are offering something at a great price, yet people can't appriciate it. I have seen people who buy something in a shop that's having a promotion "buy 1, get 1 free" and they also ask for discount... seriously???
meathead i respect you as a bhw member you no that
but we all have different opinions .
when you sell a service product for a life time subscription
at a low price already , let me put it another way.

in march my s/box service is 3 yrs old, now imagine for
3 yrs, 48 weeks a year i have provided my service to my
users barley missing a day through illness or funeral thats
150 weeks for 130$

or another way roughly 45$ a year
for something provided 5 days a week taking 30 hrs a week
to do.... now based on 45$ a year over 3 yrs ive done this
as an example, if i went any lower i may as well do it for
free ...especially when other people on bhw charge 10$ a month
for the same thing see what im saying

ive got donors/vips on my itrader saying they would gladly pay
130$ a year because its worth it...
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What's wrong with asking for a bulk discount? If you aren't willing to accommodate, then just say so. I mean, there's no harm in asking if you could get a percentage off because you're going to pay for a large order. Besides, unless if they work in the same niche/field as you, I don't think people would know/appreciate the amount of work/time spent to maintain whatever service it is you do. People just want the best deal for themselves is all.
meathead i respect you as a bhw member you no that
but we all have different opinions .
when you sell a service product for a life time subscription
at a low price already , let me put it another way.

in march my s/box service is 3 yrs old, now imagine for
3 yrs, 48 weeks a year i have provided my service to my
users barley missing a day through illness or funeral thats
150 weeks for 130$ or another way 45$ a year
for something provided 5 days a week taking 30 hrs a week
to do.... now based on 45$ a year over 3 yrs ive done this
as an example, if i went any lower i may as well do it for
free ...

Raise prices to make it worth your time or stop providing the service...........or continue crying I suppose.
i am far for greedy you no that,
ive given away 10 accounts to my service on
bhw over 3 yrs totaling
1300$ given away...
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