Looking to hire people from


Regular Member
Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
I am looking for 2 - 3 people that are wanting to make money online. If you are looking for a way to get some start up money or looking for a job, either way this could be good for you.

I remember when I started with online marketing, I had quite a bit of money and believe me, I spent a lot of money getting started.

Anyways, I am looking to hire 2 - 3 American people to do the following tasks
1. Cold calling to business owners.
2. Backlink building
3. Learn and operate scrapebox and other seo tools.
4. Writing articles.
5. Creating Blogs.
6. Creating Accounts on different websites that I designate.

If you are interested please PM me so that we can talk.

I am only looking for serious people wanting to make serious money online.

Thank You,

1. Cold calling to business owners.
3. Learn and operate scrapebox and other seo tools.
5. Creating Blogs.
6. Creating Accounts on different websites that I designate.

I can Most likely do those things! Please Tell me more info on How much we will make I'm seriously Interested! I'm American from USA!