looking for programmer for JV


Senior Member
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score

ok, so im looking for programmer for JV

you will make SEO software, and i will take care of marketing

you need to have quite big skills, its going to be software similar to serpassist

watch video on youtube about serpassist

it will be subscription based, around 70$ per month price, and trust me, earnings will be huge as long as program will be without bugs and up to date with web2.0 sites

let me know what you think

ps: if ur not interested, dont flame
interesting... there's a lot of coding gone on in there... what's your budget?
ye it is...but it could be without that option where you draw what linking you want... it could be like this:

you get 10 pictures or more... of linkwheel structures...

for example

one would be:


second this


third this


something like that...and it would be easier, less coding i think
(i know that those closed link wheels dont work anymore, i would draw them myself...and you would program it so they would be same as pictures)

about budget...i got budget, but since its JV and we will get money off it as long as it is updated, i was thinking that im not paying coder to code it...

in the end, if no one will be interested, i can still hire programmer to code this for me
well... it'd be a lot for a programmer to take on, it'd be a 3 month project atleast....

hard to keep programmers entertained for free... specially of this caliber...

anyway if you dont find a JV i'd be interested in putting in a bid for the project...
really 3 months? all it does is registers on web 2.0 sites, and posts articles, with url to where you chose... pings,bookmarks

that drawing software...that would take 3 months ye, but this one with pictures...probably not, idk...