hello dear users,
i am looking for a single private proxy. no "buy 10 to this price" stuff, but thats sadly the only offer i can find. or the single proxy option is retarded overpriced with 3$/month
so i came here since u guys must know some solution for this problem. it must be a stable rather fast proxy. i only want to use it to route one programm, which i cant use fully in my country (germany) through it, and i dont want to sit in front of the computer to babysit if the connection is breaking or not. its nothing like "massmailing" or internetspam, no blackhatstuff .
if you know a solution to my problem i would be very happy
thanks in advance
i am looking for a single private proxy. no "buy 10 to this price" stuff, but thats sadly the only offer i can find. or the single proxy option is retarded overpriced with 3$/month
so i came here since u guys must know some solution for this problem. it must be a stable rather fast proxy. i only want to use it to route one programm, which i cant use fully in my country (germany) through it, and i dont want to sit in front of the computer to babysit if the connection is breaking or not. its nothing like "massmailing" or internetspam, no blackhatstuff .
if you know a solution to my problem i would be very happy
thanks in advance