Looking for Instagram Bot


Elite Member
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Is there a Instagram Bot that has not been shut Down? That still getting support and still up to date?

All my bots are dead now.

Anyone on here own *****Gram? or is the owner on here?
Its in ***

which bot ur tryin to say?
If I could figure out how to sell one legally I'd have a full featured one up on a website as soon as I could (I've heard of many cease and desist letters being received by sellers of Instagram bots). If you know of anyone that could help me out in that regard I'm sure I could help out the community a lot with my software - I have a thread in the Business & Tax Advice section with my plea for help if you or anyone you know is capable of helping me.
I doubt most of you have one just a feeling im getting. Only reputable people please
Instaget was working for me yesterday. Missing some features at the moment but between that and imacros it should tide you over until a full version is released early feb.
Shameless Promotion ?

1 - We are not doing promotion , he asked for bot sugestions we gave it so we dont see any shameless promotion in that.
2 - Even Hiring for a Coder he wont pay the same money he pay for a Subscription in other bot. If people would want to hire a coder then google it , like they came here , they can search anywhere.

I think your post sir , is shameless lol

If I could figure out how to sell one legally I'd have a full featured one up on a website as soon as I could (I've heard of many cease and desist letters being received by sellers of Instagram bots). If you know of anyone that could help me out in that regard I'm sure I could help out the community a lot with my software - I have a thread in the Business & Tax Advice section with my plea for help if you or anyone you know is capable of helping me.

Dear ADORAX, may you help on how i can gain instagram user; i can pay if that'ok for you? but the programm needs to be automatic .

Thanks in advance

Alicia XX