Evertek is the wholesale side of Geeks.com. Same company and direct competitor to anyone that purchases from Evertek. I purchased over a million dollars a year from Evertek until they opened Geeks to compete directly against me. I don't support any wholesaler that sells retail. Check your Evertek prices against Geeks prices and tell me where you'll make your margins. Neither do dropshipping. You can't even ship to an alternate location. Billing addresses only.
Bell Micro used to do computer parts DS. Not sure they're even in business anymore but check it. MA Labs does DS but you must get your own data and images. Not much margin to be made when comparing to Tiger or Egghead. We move a few thousand a month (gross) but margins are slim and hardly worth the effort we put into making the sites. MA Labs also has a retail website where they sell to end users as SuperBiiz.com.
Seems most of the wholesalers have now stepped into the retail pool. If we didn't do a good amount of service work I'd close my computer store after 23 years in the biz now. Direct marketers and wholesalers in the retail business have killed what little money there is/was in product sales. Still some money in the knockoff world but returns are horrendous. Laptop service work is were the money is now. Desktop service work is about done.