Looking for clickbank affiliates


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
I am currently looking for affiliates to promote my product for a %75 commission.
-iPhone apps and tricks
- improved sales page to boost conversions
- price from $15
- we can cloak your link

The product deals with iPhone apps and iPhones, many people are interested in this

You get 75% commissions on all sales, meaning that you get an average of $11.50 per sale. This is equivalent to over $1,725 monthly if you do just 5 sales per day (= over $20,000 yearly),
Examples of the number of related searches (according to adwords keyword planner) include:
iphone tricks- 135,000 monthly
iPhone apps - 4,400 monthly

Best of all, competition in this niche is LOW, making it very easy to rank for.

You can find the product in the clickbank marketplace by searching for iPhone apps and tricks
or you can can just ask me for more details below

Join my new group"clickbank affiliates" for when I add more offers
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