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Looking for anyone who can remove Google reviews....

there are less than 10% chances depend on content and profile. Skype live:support_70709
agree with @See Gre
Google review can be disputed but it is the sole discretion of Google to take any action.
Very difficult to remove. A firm I worked with hired a company to remove Yelp and Google reviews and they charged $480 per month.

I asked our account manager what they do and its literally social engineering, they keep calling google support until they get connected to a call center outside the United States and then as our account manager said to me "We hope that when they pick up they are at the end of their shift or had a long day and succumb to removing the review for you so they can leave".

Essentially, you could do this as well and save a bunch of money as the company we had would try every 4 or 5 days. We had them for 3 months and they removed 2 google reviews. Always made sure that we had just enough to last into the next billing period lol. They got dropped quick.
Best thing to do is get good reviews to push down the bad one, and increase your rating. Way cheaper, far less time consuming, and easier process. Aside from that, provide good service and positive reviews will come.