Looking for an affiliate program to utilize CLAD with


Junior Member
Jun 3, 2011
Reaction score
I bought CLAD a few months ago to help with my adult sites that I push. I am looking to utilize CLAD for some other things to try and push. Dose anyone suggest any programs? I'm not looking to make millions, just a few hundred extra a month, that I can automate with CLAD. I'd happily sign up any referral links if you got a good lead. PM me!
I can pay you monthly if you can create compaine for me. I have ads and all what we need for uploading in CLAD. let me know if interested
I as well need ads posted PM me if you can chuck a few ads up monthly for a price.
Just sent ya some pm's. Sorry I don't check BHW more often.
Il be up for some ads using clad please hit me up with some offers
Hey Lucy1984

I Know a great Adult Affiliate Product you can push that converts really well!

Hit me up if you are interested