Looking for a Writer for a Science Site. Both Demonstrable English fluency and Solid Scientific Background Required


Regular Member
Jan 4, 2020
Reaction score
Reopening the thread to add budget according to rules.

I'm working on a new site related to physical sciences from an educational point of view, and I need a writer to back me up on article writing.

Educational/informative posts will be scientific, and sales posts will be mostly about textbooks and other academic recourses.

As I need content for a scientifically-educated community, I would need the candidates to demonstrate to have a solid background on science/chemistry/biology, and of course, to be fluent in english, if not native.

Please, so we both don't waste time: if you are interested, PM me and include in the message previous writings related to these fields, info on background, and what would you charge for a fist trial article, based upon the quality of which I would offer you a price per word for the following articles.

The idea would be to do long-term business, and for around 100$/month, around 3 articles are delivered to a WP platform. This is an estimate and I'm totally open to negotiation depending on the quality you can bring to the table.

Best wishes all