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Looking For A Payment Processor For The Forex Niche


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
Hey boys and girls on BHW! I'm looking for a good payment processor in the forex niche. Paypal is a bit non-friendly and love to make your life miserable at all times, and 2checkout said no to me.

I process about $30k through Paypal monthly in another niche, but they warned me about going into forex.

You have some good ideas amigos?
Hey boss I don't have a forum, I just have some products and coaching. I can't PM you with the # of posts I have. Why not leave me a way to contact you on the forum ok? :)
Hey boss I don't have a forum, I just have some products and coaching. I can't PM you with the # of posts I have. Why not leave me a way to contact you on the forum ok? :)

Dude, no offence, I do forex for a living...but I would never spend my time on coaching and I never met any successful trader in my life who would spend his time by teaching others instead of making money on the market. So let me guess...you don't know how to do it, so you teach people to make some buck there, at least.
I work at Shift Forex, an NYC based consulting company that specializes in the forex industry. We would have no problems getting you a PSP for your forex business. Not sure the best way to get in contact with me since I'm new to the forums. You can reach me by Skype at shiftchrisd or search for our website and fill out the contact form
No offense taken, but you guess wrong, and I trade longer time frames without staring at the market. Unless you are a gambler you look to take our a reasonable % a year. Adding in additional revenue from teaching what I do is legitimate, and I don't have to defend myself from a professional trader like yourself looking at the business section commenting on payment processing.
Thank you for the private messages and help I've received so far. I appreciate everyone's help.
is there really money to be made in forex??

Yes, but if you are looking for a get rich quick scheme you'll go broke. It's a business and like any other takes time. If you want to hear you can turn $500 to $1 million in a year I'm not going to lie to you. It's a real business but done right you can make money, even excellent money, if you treat it like a business and trade only when you don't feel stressed out and trade comfortably in a system that has statistical data that allows you to have a bad trade as long as it follows your principles. If you have no principles and treat it like gambling the house always wins.

If you have solid principles trade on demo accounts, verify what you do is working and then open a real one and fire away!!
Hey boss I don't have a forum, I just have some products and coaching. I can't PM you with the # of posts I have. Why not leave me a way to contact you on the forum ok? :)

I hope you're not selling EA's lol.

Dude, no offence, I do forex for a living...but I would never spend my time on coaching and I never met any successful trader in my life who would spend his time by teaching others instead of making money on the market. So let me guess...you don't know how to do it, so you teach people to make some buck there, at least.

You do forex for a living and you imply that you've met successful traders, but you've never heard of coaches or mentors? Having a coach/mentor is invaluable to a trader.

is there really money to be made in forex??

Forex is a $5 trillion per day market in terms of trade volume, it dwarfs the NYSE and any other exchange/market. There is a lot of money to be made in forex.

I have been looking to do Forex for a while.

Study macroeconomics, psychology, and read-up on technical trading.
The best information on this industry comes from books and experience, read and apply.
Use demo accounts, but move away from them once you have a good grasp of the broker's platform. They're a waste of time otherwise.
No payment processor will accept you for credit card processing without a license in your business! You will need a financial service license! You may find some of the shady processors that will take on your business but you will never know when you can kiss your money goodbye!
I do have a processor that will pretty much process for ANY legitimate business, as long as you have a good processing history and good monthly volume, so if you're interested, please respond and send your email address...thank you, Anissa
If anyone is jumping on that train, check out if the processor this guy knows is listed as PCI certified payment provider on the public available VISA Europe or VISA USA website, if not, kiss your money good buye, sooner or later!

I do have a processor that will pretty much process for ANY legitimate business, as long as you have a good processing history and good monthly volume, so if you're interested, please respond and send your email address...thank you, Anissa
If you are still looking for Payment Processor for Forex Niche and can consider Bitcoin an option, there is CoinsBill

Care to elaborate and what the USP is? - there are hundreds of Bitcoin payment processes out there. How would the OP be able to process V and MC using Coinsbill?

Sadly very few Forex traders/clients are going to buy bitcoin to pay for Forex services