Looking for a Google / Youtube / Facebook Pro to increase traffic


Dec 31, 2019
Reaction score
Hey guys
We've been running crypto FB for 1.5 years but now we are facing extreme difficulties delivering traffic. Now we are looking for other sources of traffic and possible help with FB. If you have experience with it, we are open to discuss the price for this services (it is discussable, but if you are good, not less than 1.5k monthly as a base, and it is not 8h of work per day) and % from profits. We have big budgets and ready to work in team ;)
Let me know what you think guys
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You need to state a budget as per the rules.

In addition to abiding by the rules, you'll have an easier time finding the right person for the job and avoid wasting both yours and the freelancer's time.
I am available to take this task ahead. Let's discuss more On Skype at mansoorseo