Looking for a complete managed Wordpress solution


Aug 17, 2018
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Hello BHW,

We're planning to build a website in wordpress to sell training videos, I've seen all the plugins that exists and are very easy to install, however I would like to have a complete managed solution in which we do not worry about the technical details and we focus only on the business side of things.

Could you recommend a good service that proposes this? (outside WIx and stuff like that)

Thanks in advance,
Wpx hosting do that. I can't complain about anything until now.

Fair price, cdn, virus free, backups and stuff. All hands free.

I choose them for same reasons. Tired of doing all things myself.

My neighbours bulgarians are best on managed hosting and expired domains, they are gifted somehow on this field lol.
Interested on this too , wish for more hostings company options
Hi team,

Thanks so much for all the answers, I've taken a look at WPX. I do not know if this is what i'm looking for, imagine the following scenario:

1- I build a website for to teach my courses (let's say I hire a web dev, or install myself wordpress).

2- My site gets online, everything is fine.

3- Suddently something goes wrong and I need support for my site. I would like someone capable of fixing my site regardless of the nature of the issue. I'm not asking to re-code anything, just to make sure the site is online.

It is not clear for me what happens in case of issues, in the website they say they'll make sure your site is back online, but they will not touch your code. --> so how does this would work?

Could anyone share any issue where they've seen the real value of WPX?

Thanks in advance,
My suggestion is WPX !!
I don't use it, but I once tried site ground and they fully manage your Wordpress installation. I believe they even handle caches.

It's slow and relatively expensive for me, though. I'm used to VPSs.