Location pages are canonical


Power Member
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score

I have two location pages, one being my homepage and the other being /location-1/.

I've used the same page and text for /location-1/, just changing out the terms to suit my new location page.

/location-1/ in GWT is shown as not indexed, as it's a canonical of my homepage (main location page).

Is this correct?
"User declared canonical" https://domain.com/location-1/
"Google-selected canonical" htps://domain.com/

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I don't get your point as such.

Are you saying that the homepage and location1 are there for two different locations Or the same location?

If you have the homepage targeted to one location and the page "location1" targeted to another location then point both the pages canonical to themselves i.e. homepage canonical to the homepage and location1 canonical to location1 page.

And if both the homepage & location1 are actually targeted for the same location then you need to choose one. Either dedicate the homepage of that location and delete the location1 page OR make the homepage as the head page of which other location pages are children and have canonical for each page pointing to themselves.

Maybe you are saying something else.
I don't get your point as such.

Are you saying that the homepage and location1 are there for two different locations Or the same location?

If you have the homepage targeted to one location and the page "location1" targeted to another location then point both the pages canonical to themselves i.e. homepage canonical to the homepage and location1 canonical to location1 page.

And if both the homepage & location1 are actually targeted for the same location then you need to choose one. Either dedicate the homepage of that location and delete the location1 page OR make the homepage as the head page of which other location pages are children and have canonical for each page pointing to themselves.

Maybe you are saying something else.

Hey, sorry for not being clear.

My homepage (example.com) is for 1 location, which is ranking fairly well.

My second location page (example.com/location/) has a canonical tag in GSC, it's ranking at #60+ according to Serpbook.

I was wondering if this is normal, and should I add more unique content to prevent the page being labeled as a canonical
We build a page for each City. domain.com/los-angeles, domin.com/boston, etc.

It saves a lot of headaches, and we get a lot of large cities to rank at the top.