Linkvana 2.0 reviews


Power Member
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
I was thinking of signing up for Linkvana 2.0 and was curious if anyone here had a HONEST review.

I have a few highly competitive keywords that I will be trying to improve on with this service.

Thanks for your feedback
No feedback from this board? I guess nobody is using it...
Be trust before 18 Months it is work well! But still not well!
I honestly dont think Linkvana is worth the money.

I used it for around 4 months and all it did was leave me in a constant google dance, I think you are better off spending the money for solid backlinks that are not going to lose PR once they are off the main page.

I also found my links from Linkvana on very poor quality sites, that I was not too happy with. $150 a month I believe can be better spent.
Well that is disappointing....thanks for the feedback
I used them about a year ago and did see some good results, but as with most services the good results didn't seem to last very long. So Generally I'd say they're effective for 3-6 months, if somewhat expensive.

If you do use them search for a good offer. They pay their affiliates well and many people offer you a monthly cashback if you buy through their link. I was getting $30 a month back.

And no matter how much they try to tell you otherwise, you can use spun articles and everybody does. Nothing is checked for "quality".
I've heard a lot of diferent views on Linkvana as well as SEO linkvine.

I think for the money it mght be better to build your own network of blogs...
I think I read a few posts on both networks which stated both were poor quality sites, particulary for the price and distribution (Linkvana 1 article 1 site, and Linkvine 1 article goes to approx 3-5 sites at most)... And usually, these sites were deindexed after a period of time too.

I'm not entirely sure, but I also read that one of these networks had many sites sharing IP addresses (say 10 sites to 1 IP or something along those lines).

The services may of improved, however I don't use them. I last tested Linkvine 8 months ago, I put in 3 well written and hand spun articles, and after 3 months got a total of 7 articles distributed.
Thanks again for the feedback everyone....I'll find somewhere else to spend $147 a month
I have been using Linkvana since past 6 months and initial 3 months were very hard with no significant progress on kw having 6k exact match searches, i justt thought that i burnt my paypal,I had read lot of mixed reviews so thought to give it a try for 2 more months and finally sigh my site is at #3 now, so far recovered my investment multiple times, though it need hell lot of patience LOL

btw here is the secret linkvana membership link of $97/mo
get it before they close this offer, i think this was launched somewhere in june 2011 so might be they missed closing this offer.