Link in Social Medias like Twitter


Oct 29, 2019
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I'm facing an issue with Twitter. And I guess it can be the same with other Social Medias.
Indeed, I realised that my accounts lost their engagement with Twitter almost Instantly when I put a Link that has already been spam hundred Times (This link is a direct link without shortner to a Youtube Video).
Thus, some posts (with the link) disappear in each Account, and some of the accounts got locked or shadowban for some time.

My question is : What Can I do, in order to promote my Youtube content, without getting flagged by Twitter.
When I change the link and I put the link of a random Video from a random person, that is working perfectly, until it happen the same after some times

I thought that using a Url Shortener linked to an other Url Shortener, then to the Video could be a good idea, but I saw a Post that claims that Twitter follows redirect...

What Can I do then ?
Huge thanks for your time (and sorry for my bad english, I'm French)
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If Twitter doesn't like your link, then using a url shortener or redirect from other domain won't help. I faced the problem you are describing.

Until recently, it could be circumvented by putting the link directly into your video, but now twitter checks video-embedded links too.

What you can do is to create a landing page. Maybe something as simple as: "You are going to an external site. We checked this link for you and it is perfectly safe. Click OK to continue." Maybe you can add a timed redirect from your landing, but I don't know if it will still work.

Also, you say that the link is to your Youtube channel. How come it became so spammed that Twitter have blacklisted it?
Hey ! First thank for your reply :)
And glad to see someone that aready had the same Issue.

The Idea of the landing page is great. However, even if the page look like clean and engaging, I'll lost some people in the way of my last youtube Video, for sure.
It request another click from the user. This is what bother me with this method. And unfortunately the Preview of the Video with his thumbnail will not be available to make people click ):
However, if it is the only method, I'll test it.

As you said, even with this one we're not really sure, but I think it could work.

What do you think about a landing Page with the Video on It ? This way the second click will be in order to launch the video, and people will be facing the content faster ?

If anyone has better ideas, I think everyone will really appreciate it :)

Also, you say that the link is to your Youtube channel. How come it became so spammed that Twitter have blacklisted it?
I was using poor quality accounts that Twitter flagged. I think the link became blacklisted faster because of that :(
It request another click from the user. This is what bother me with this method. And unfortunately the Preview of the Video with his thumbnail will not be available to make people click ):

You can try an autoredirect, as I suggested in the first post: a user will be automatically redirected from a landing page to a target page after 3-5-10 seconds.

Hey ! First thank for your reply :)

What do you think about a landing Page with the Video on It ? This way the second click will be in order to launch the video, and people will be facing the content faster ?

I don't know. Try it if you think it might help.
You can try an autoredirect, as I suggested in the first post: a user will be automatically redirected from a landing page to a target page after 3-5-10 seconds.

Ok, but will I have to create a lot of landing pages in order to always make sure that my post isn't flagged ??
And what site do you suggest to do that ? Cause I never done it before ?

Thanks for your reply though :)
Ok, but will I have to create a lot of landing pages in order to always make sure that my post isn't flagged ??
And what site do you suggest to do that ? Cause I never done it before ?

Thanks for your reply though :)

I don't know. I think if you use a landing page on your own domain, your posts shouldn't be flagged. Why would they be? If you simply post your links in your posts nothing will be flagged. But if it is flagged then you'd need a new domain, not a new landing page.

I haven't made landing pages myself. I simply don't use offers with blacklisted links, e.g. Chaturbate. You can use Purelander for building or ripping landing pages of others. I bought access to it recently and was going to do some stuff with landings, but I have more pressing issues right now.