LF - Facebook Accounts that can use autosocial


Registered Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Let me pre-face this with I am not trying to buy anything in this thread I am more looking for information or sources to interact with.

I am trying to play around with WP-Autosocial on some of my sites. Getting the twitter setup is easy but my real problem comes in when trying to setup a facebook account. Those people are very tight about how many accounts you can have.

So long story short is there a good source of facebook accounts that can access the application tools which allow WP-Autosocial plugin to work.

I am running into creating the facebook account and then getting instant Phone verification when I try and create an app.
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dude u need phone verified acct for the apps..i can give u the pva acct in good rate.

Well I tried with a newly created fb acct that was phone verified acct . Once I enable the dev and tried to create an app it popped up with a message saying they "think" the acct is invalid even though I did the phone verified acct check.

So to say that all I will need is a phone verified acct is a bit general. I don't mind shelling out extra for something like this but I need to see one generated acct at least work. I will openly admit I am not a fb person so maybe I did something to mess up my not so real acct. However I cannot help but think there is someone that knows about wp autosocial and can build accts to work with it.

I am currently working on a test model for an idea and being able to connect an fb acct to a site through the wp autosocial is a big part. Any input from some facebook experts in regards to this topic would be great.