Lethal Combo, WTF?!


Junior Member
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
I believe FB ads rules rock! You get to decide to keep it alive or kill if it sinks according to your very own parameters. How about having then CBO running along with your predefined rules?

Sounds like your budget will have a long run as in theory it would be "protected". Yay or Nay?
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Still trying to figure out what would be the "combo".

What do you mean by cro? Crow? Cathode ray oscilloscope? Funnel optimization?

What do you mean by what you just said? Fuck, I think I have to learn English again. Sorry, British people, u weren't enough. :(
Still trying to figure out what would be the "combo".
What do you mean by cro? Crow? Cathode ray oscilloscope? Funnel optimization?
Yes man. Mispelled it...it should be CBO. Sorry. Anyway...trying to fix it right now.