Latent Symantec Indexing?


Power Member
Sep 17, 2011
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Can anyone explain this to me? I looked it up on wikipedia but it is very mathematical based. Can anyone dumb it down for me in terms of 5 cent words for seo?
that is the main reason people are using LSI content for their websites.

to rank for long tail keywords.

works great and has been gaining popularity in the SEO world as more ppl discover it. it is expensive but worth it.
that is the main reason people are using LSI content for their websites.

to rank for long tail keywords.

works great and has been gaining popularity in the SEO world as more ppl discover it. it is expensive but worth it.

So LSI content is just content targeting long tail keywords?
its pretty common sense. instead of awkwardly stuffing some phrase 50 times into an article, make sure there are lots of related words.

for example "bicycle maintenance" -> pedals, tires, frame, biking, chains, gears etc.

using the types of words adwords keyword tool gives for related suggestions is the idea.
Yep, this is a reson why sites with A LOT of various, unique, LSI content ranks high.
This is OnPage Optimazing on it's finest.

It helps your whole site rank better.
Really the extra price you are paying for lsi content vs regular unique articles is the fact that they sprinkle longtail keywords into the articles.

LSI is an incredibly complex mathematical model that attempts to classify text into thematic ideas and concepts.. There really is no simple way to explain it technically, and it's degree level math.

But the bottom line is it's become a synonym for themed content relevance. Except that LSI is far too computationally intensive for Google to actually do on a trillion URLs. It becomes exponentially more Consuming with the size of the data. I.e. it isn't linear in terms of processing. Twice the data doesn't take twice as long, it takes factorially longer.

So... It's used incorrectly most of the time. And actually I'd argue that in over 5 years of SEO analysis and empirical testing, I've yet to see any concrete proof that 'relevant' content provides any more linking power than 'irrelevant' content. Anyone studying language processing will tell you that relevance in language at anything more than simple keyword level becomes enormously difficult.

Sorry there's not a 5c answer!

Edit: most people providing LSI content simply mean themed content using alternate words with the same meaning - basically spinning to all intents and purposes.
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