Keyword search volume


Junior Member
Jun 26, 2016
Reaction score
Can someone explain please how these keyword research tools work? I've been trying some of them and what I see is a HUGE difference regarding the search volume for the same keyword .

I am confused.Which one should I believe?
Google Adwords tool is the most accurate at the moment, but it's better if you pull it from the API.

Google recently however have been grouping search volumes together making them extremely inaccurate, so you can't really take search volume as concrete, it's just a bit of a guide
If you are paying for ads in Adwords or have access to an MCC account in Adwords then Adwords Keyword Planner is going to be your best bet because you should get volumes instead of ranges.

If you're unable to get the volumes and are getting ranges then you could try tools like Mondovo where the volume is accurate but its data fetched from a couple of months back so unless the keywords you searching for are very seasonal the data you get here should be accurate. Also you pay just a few cents per report with no monthly subscription. So might be an option worth considering if you don't have access to an Adwords account that shows volume data.
Forget Keyword Planner, it's pointless. If you want good estimates, install the "keyword everywhere" plugin for Chrome. It works with Keyword Shitter and Majestic for example. It's as good as it gets and it's free.
I will use keyword everywhere plugin from now on.thank you all