Kashishes Method To Rank on Number One


Junior Member
Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
I thought maybe I should share some tips and tricks I use to rank number one.
I know there are plenty of methods already, but with new people getting into the SEO race somebody will probably find something useful here.

First off, you must excuse me for my English as it's not my first language and second, I'm no good in writing and explaining stuff and third I'm lazy so I spread the whole method over several days.

Im going to skip the obvious part, the one about on-page SEO, but I got a tips for those with brand new sites.
Make sure you create at least 1000 blog, forum and social bookmarks indexed links directly at your site to make it harder for your competitors to check your backlinks.

Always spy on your competition using MajesticSEO and Ahrefs.
Use MajesticSEO to find competitors top 10 backlinks and try to copy their top 10.
All you need is a free account there, no need to buy any subscription.
Use Ahrefs to check out their anchor texts and see whats working for them.

I got two main rules when trying to rank my sites.

1. Quality
Quality always outlast Quantity these days.
Even if you rank I site with poor spun articles and blasts you will get outranked if your competitor build Quality links.

2. Diversity
Make sure you get links from different sources.
3 links from 3 different sources are way better than 30 links from same source.

Always try to get links from as many different ip addresses as possible.
Even if you are running like a local site, try to make blog comments on sites outside your country, same with forum profiles.

Make sure to use variation on where the links point and the anchor texts.

Also make sure not to leave any footprints.
For example, if you buy old domains and set up a private blog network.
If all these are for example Wordpress blogs, you're leaving a footprint.

When your site is new, the most important thing IMO in the beginning is to build quality links from high PR sites to get your PR up.
I know that a lot of people say that PR doesnt matter anymore, maybe it doesn't, but I still see results much faster on a PR3 site than on a PR1 site.

Tomorrow: Web 2.0 Blogs
Most of your post is common sense stuff but I had never heard of Ahrefs before. Just checked it out. Looks good. Thanks
Even if only one thing I post is new, that one thing can sometimes make the difference.
Ahrefs is a great site.
Sign up for a free account.
When you do that you get 15 request a day and get to see 400 links and the top anchors and the sites IP diversity.

Ahrefs been really helpful to me.
Getting links from same places when possible using same anchor on that link has done wonder sometimes.
ahref showed less than majestic seo but cant hurt to have different free sources. although of course sucks there is no real free source to actually find all the links just like before.
although advantage is that for your own site ppl wont know everything neither
You dont need all the links IMO.
With the free editions of ahrefs and majesticseo you get their top backlinks.
Since they crawl the web themselves, the links they find are the quality ones.

For example, when you tun a check on a site at MajesticSEO you'll see a small picture to the right showing 4 or 5 of the sites its getting the majority of the links from.
Check the PR and age of those domains and try to get links from sites with higher PR and age.
For example, is the site getting lots of links from Squidoo, just make sure you get links from wordpress.

Same with top 10 links on MajesticSEO.
Its pretty accurate.
Whenever I create something that makes a site move in the SERPs it shows up there.
Same old spun content doesnt work as it used to, so I try to create high quality tier one blogs.

Now this doesn't mean that I never spam or you don't see results.
Sometimes I even get lazy and post the same un-sp*n article and hope they will stick.

But with a couple of quality blogs I've noticed much better results.
Maybe have taken longer time to see movements, but when they start to move they move higher and faster and my rankings doesn't get effected every single time there is a algorithm update.

Diversity and hiding footprints are important for me when I create my blogs.
Make sure to create the user name as your keywords.

1. I always use original content or hand spun (deep level - sentences & paragraphs)
2. I fill out the Bio and upload picture where possible
3. Choose different layout / theme than standard original one if possible

I always make up a fictional character and make personal post, I never simply just post articles.
This is also a great way to take your 500 word article and make it 700 words.

4. Keep first post short, telling little about my character and no links.
5. More text in second post but still no links

When it's time to post links, I choose to be random.
If I got lets say 3 blogs.

First one I add a link in the third post
2nd in the forth post
3rd maybe in the sixth

On some blogs I've 2-3 links in each post, on some blogs I've 3 links totally.
Sometimes I link to authority sites, sometimes I don't.

On posts with links, I try to add at least 400 words and around 2% keyword density.
Also remember to include related keywords and also to post to inner pages time sometimes.

Dont use the same number of posts on the blogs either, keep it random when it comes to this as well.

6. Try not do abandon the blog if possible but check back like once a month to add some new content.

7. Add pictures and videos as well sometimes

Tomorrow: Tier 2
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Now since tier 1 is original quality content, I always get great results without any need of 5-6 layers of gazillion of links.
I just run regular SeNuke type of promotion directly to the Web 2.0s mixed with a very small number of forum profiles, SB, and Bookmarking directed to tier 1 and 2.
The really important thing is always the diversity.
If you run a social network blast to one of your posts its important to not use the exact same sites on the next post etc.
Make sure the anchors are not exatcly the same as your main keyword, but your keyword and all related close keywords you get when making a search in Keyword Tool.
Thanks for this info Kash. So I am promoting 4 sites that are in the same broad niche.
A couple of questions if you have time...
How many quality tier 1 Web 2.0's should I create to promote the sites?
How many Web 2's on tier 2 do you point at the first tier? Are the tier 2's spun material?
Posting triggers spam moderation system, will try to post again later
The number of blogs totally depends on competition.
But I always create and manage one or two.
But of course, if you're facing a much harder competition, you might have to post on a couple at the same time.

I've drawn up a SenukeX template to make it easier to understand, you have to PM to get it.

Day 1:
Day one, I create all the accounts Im going to need.
Web 2.0 blogs, Article Directory Accounts, Social Bookmark Accounts etc etc and enter the Web 2.0 blog to fill out the bio.
I also post my first post on the blogs.
200 - 300 words, telling the world badabing badabong.
Im always a female and Im either currently employed in the niche or ex-worker, but the niche is my all time favorite hobby no matter what.

Day 2:
Verify any emails I didnt recieve in day 1 and I get my first real post ready, 300 - 400 words.

Day 3:
Make the post.
No links
Bookmark it
Submit the RSS Feed

Day 4:
Make the third post, the one with links.
Social Bookmark
Try to get it indexed together with other urls so far with SEO Link Robot Fast Indexer

Day 5:
Start the blast of the third article with articles, forum profiles, web 2.0 profiles etc
Also point some other web 2.0s at it and get those bookmarked, blast with some forum profiles and articles only.
Spun not original here

Day 6: Start with next blog while blasting continues

Make sure to keep things random, it's for examples better to wait until 4th or 5th post at W0rdpress and Bl0g.

On the question of how many quality blogs one should create to promote their site.
My answer to that is to never ever stop.
You can slowdown, but should never stop.
You will notice how much work you need.

Sometimes its enough with 4 blogs and adding new stuff every week to each blog and blast every blog post with a simple service like Dripable and adding a new blog with fewer post once a month or every two months.

But sometimes, you need to create and post to 4 blogs each day to even have a shot.

The same goes with Tier 2.
The only important thing is to try not to post from exact same web 2.0s / article directories and same number to two post on same blog.
But there is no limit here either, it all depends on your niche and competition.

Start with a blog on a relatively low PR and take a note of how much blasting and what kind of blasting you need to advance in the SERP.
You need to blast with 100 forum profiles and auto approve blog comments for five days or you need a couple of thousands mixed with articles, youtube videos etc in several layers.
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Maybe I should kept the tools for myself then, because they make the difference between the success or failure udibg the method
Im gonna try this thanks! :-). sending pm as well for senuke template.
This is something I have been avoiding lately and being lazy. I have been building say 10 Web 2.0's and just slamming a spun article on there with 2 random backlinks and then pinging them, submitting rss feeds.

Never too be seen again, I actually don't even have the urls or login details written down lol.

Gonna try this with a bit more "form", almost treating those web 2.0's as an extension of my page.

I don't have SB or anything, so I can't really backlink the 2.0's, but at least making better quality ones and updating them may help.
Just a note, I've never been number 1 for my keyword lol. It's actually scary thinking about it. Everyone is after you!
Being lazy wont get you to the number one position you desire, because Im pretty sure your competitors aint lazy.
Hang in there and work harder and you will get results
Is there any benefit from these 2.0's if you only have 4 first tier, 8 second tier and 25 forum profiles for each second tier? Or is it completely useless? I'm in low comp stuff.

easy comp.png
Great thread, OP. Thanks. You are providing another approach vs. the massive slam-them approach. Different folks, different strokes.

So where do you get a person's picture (a female) to post. Do you just use one of the web randomly hoping the actual person or their friends never sees it, or use some public sources (reference?).

Is there any benefit from these 2.0's if you only have 4 first tier, 8 second tier and 25 forum profiles for each second tier? Or is it completely useless? I'm in low comp stuff.

View attachment 11362

Keep things random at the lower tiers.

Great thread, OP. Thanks. You are providing another approach vs. the massive slam-them approach. Different folks, different strokes.

So where do you get a person's picture (a female) to post. Do you just use one of the web randomly hoping the actual person or their friends never sees it, or use some public sources (reference?).

There are sites like Phot*dune and iStockph*to etc selling royalty free images.
Sometimes various pictures from these sites get ripped and posted to various "warez" sites that you can download and use.

I also "borrow" images.
Visit a website like this and find French girl names.
The french are famous for their poor English, so will be almost certain to get undetected.
Just change the name of the picture, resize it and change extension