Just a question ?


Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there, I'm totaly new here - but really interested about SEO and so...

today I have found on DP a guys who selling a blackhate method

a coaching system to earn 1000$ / month

the idea is:

just do a blog and putting some google adsense,

and buying some traffic - (traffic from this website are train to click on advertise...)

do you have an idea of what this guys talking ? if yes could you please provide me the method or somethink ?

it can help me to save my money ;)
It's a crappy DP ebook.

I promise if you read the Blogging forum and the AdSense forum (on bhw) and use your brain a little bit you'll figure it out.
Suggested method: use search function on this forum, you will find many working methods.
yeah the think is I dont know yet wich one should be working fine

I dont want to have 1000k$ / day or whatever like that, just wondering if I can have 100$/month somethink like that

I dont trust on the incredible method you know
like people said earlier in this forum, the search bar on this forum is an excellent source of information. As a beginner, if you want to do adsense, you should learn things like SEO (search engine optimization) first. You could also try autobloging.

Heres a tip: if you can't afford web hosting you can make blogs on blogspot and have adsense on there.

Also, Market Samurai is a great tool for market research. You should learn to use it.

Good luck, I hope you have lots of success.
Definitely save your $1000 mate you could find all the info you need to make $100 a month on here by reading the useful threads on this forum. A small investment into hosting and domain name and a heap of work and time spent on your site will go along way. Make sure you draw up a plan also.
It will be very hard to get to $1000 per month just on adsense.

My advice is to open an account with Clickbank (just to get started) and mess around with your own blog pages that offer reviews for the product.

Focus on getting those blogs ranked using SEO and (if you really want) buying traffic.

Hope this helps point you in a good direction.
i agree read a little, find the search button, then take direction.

Alright thanks for your answer, I will try to found out here how to spent my time into a correct website

I have already hotsing and some good domain name

but just dont know by what to start