Journey To 2,000 daily visits.


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Compared to the past, I am much better now at SEO and to that I thank Jesus. Just kidding, I thank BHW.

I had another journey to make my first authority site but failed miserably. I got my site completely sandboxed and later de-indexed from Guuuuuuglle. Realizing that my SEO skills needed more work, I read around and put my knowledge to the test. Now I am back for my second try. Honestly, I could work in silence but figured it is better to make this journey public because I can :

1. Learn from others
2. Gain Motivation
3. Allow others to learn from my mistakes ( Do not order cheap links ever again. Meaning anything too good to be true.)
3. Faux biches, get money.

I have one fashion site that is targeted towards females because it is easier to persuade them to make a purchase in my opinion. While I have been working on the SEO aspects of the site for hands free organic traffic later on, I have also been working on more instant traffic, Pinterest.

Before I bore you, allow me to show you what my current stats are.

All Traffic   Google Analytics.jpg

This has been the course of 1 month of which I spent working on the aesthetics of the site. As you can see pinterest has been my highest source of traffic right now.

What Have I done!?

1. Post 5 related images related to my article on pinterest at different times. Pro tip: Images posted at pm surprisingly have better interaction. Same for Images posted on Saturday at 8 am in my experience.

2. Done some little web 2.0 Back links here and there.

3. Ordered some press releases. Waiting for it to be delivered.

4. Posted 28 articles with none less than 500 words.

Here are my current rankings.

SerpBook 1.jpg

I do not plan on quitting and want to go grey hat with long term link building strategies. Hopefully there is much more I can learn here.

Will update as much as I can.
Thanks for posting this and making your journey an open one. I'm at the early stages of learning SEO and will watch this with great interest.
2,000 UV/day...

What about your main monetization source?

It is adsense and later amazon. But right now I am concentrating on the Traffic first, once that starts flowing I dive into monethization.

1. I submitted my site to Bing Webmaster tools because I heard that they can also direct good traffic to you once you rank.

2. Posted 5 more images to pinterest. But I feel like that is not enough, so I will gather a lot more images and pump it out to 10 images a day. I have been getting about 10 repins at most on average but some how my traffic has not increased significantly. I will test different descriptions.

All Traffic   Google Analytics 2.jpg
Hmmm, sounds about right. Good calculation, at least I think.
Wish you the best of luck on your journey! :)
5 pics related to post at different times.. but any suggestion how long gap between photos? pin from same account works? or need different accounts?
5 pics related to post at different times.. but any suggestion how long gap between photos? pin from same account works? or need different accounts?

I normally do it at random times from the same account. I just post my first and most important image at the times that I see receive the highest interaction. At any PM USA Pacific time. If you want to scale it up, maybe do it on different accounts.
I normally do it at random times from the same account. I just post my first and most important image at the times that I see receive the highest interaction. At any PM USA Pacific time. If you want to scale it up, maybe do it on different accounts.
i used to post 5 to 10 image just in 10 minute.. i think i will do now 1 image per hour.. if it gives any good result..


This might not seem like much to you guys but I got an ad click. Not sure how many clicks but I got 22 cents yesterday and 0.01 cent today. So my guess is that at 2,000 UV's daily I will be making $10 a day. That is an extra $300 a month from ad clicks only. Not including the amazon links I plan on adding later.

Home  Google AdSense.png

What I did
I wrote an article yesterday making my total articles on the site 29. Posted the 5 images to pinterest this morning and waiting till pm to post. I only got 5 new visits, too bad because this article was the one I had high hopes for.

I am also going to buy some invites to a lot of fashion boards so that I can not only post to them but steal their followers. I am slowly getting clicks from Google search engine too and I am still waiting for the press releases to be published.
Update: I did not do much today because I was working all day. But I was able to follow about 300 people and in turn got +55 new followers. Did not know it was this easy to gain followers. Will keep following to get more. In the meantime working on 2 more articles to add to site. Tailoring content to things such as "top 10" for pinterest to increase my click throughs.
UPDATE: I think 29 articles are enough for now. I will get more related images and post to pinterest for more instant traffic.

For now, I will only write short articles for social bookmarks to my easy competition keyword on top ordering some Google+'s. A friend I know is giving me some guest posts to six of his PBN's and I am happy. So those are the articles I will be working on.

Thanks bro!

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Look like you know what you're doing so I'm gonna sub. Thanks for the detailed reports too mate!
This might not seem like a lot to most you guys but I got 1.66 click today. I am soo happy because it is the highest ad sense click I have gotten.

The new thing I did was to simply post 1 image to pinterest with an article I wrote but concentrated more on clickthroughs . I had a new title that grabbed attention . Ex: "You will regret not getting _____" .

Home  Google AdSense.png

Will definitely keep writing in this style to see. I only got 25 new visits also. Quite shocking.
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Will definitely keep writing in this style to see. I only got 25 new visits also. Quite shocking.

I don't recomend you that because people get easily tired of this kind of content, I mean the way of writing in twitter, pinterest, imstagram etc.

Try to go further promoting on instagram, facebook, tumblr and twitter, as you know more social media more uv

Good luck with your journey!!