Job For Computer Newbie?


Nov 2, 2011
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Hi - I have a friend who's not very good with computers. They use the trackpad on their laptop and struggle with a mouse!

Anyway, I said I'd see if I could find some work for them for a few weeks. They said they'd be willing to do computer stuff if I taught them what to do.

Can anyone suggest some computer operations that they might be able to do (and, hopefully, wouldn't get too bored with!)? The object being to earn some money or contribute to SEO, website promotion or whatever.
If they can type decently you can get them to write articles for you.

Thats I would do. If they type slowly I'd get them to use a typing software for a week and they should be good to go for writing.
Make a gig on fiverr. Write articles for people. That's a service someone always wants.
If they can type decently you can get them to write articles for you.

Thats I would do. If they type slowly I'd get them to use a typing software for a week and they should be good to go for writing.

Agreed have them write articles that is how I learned to type way back in the day lol.
Thanks for the suggestions. I should have added that their English isn't too good :eek: so writing articles may not be the best thing but maybe they could do some research.
How's their typing game? Do they have to search for the keys when they type? That's what I used to do when I first started with computers. It would take me 4 minutes to write this post :D
Yes, it's a bit hunt-and-peck. I guess I was hoping for some ideas around looking, reading and clicking :eek:

How's their typing game? Do they have to search for the keys when they type? That's what I used to do when I first started with computers. It would take me 4 minutes to write this post :D
He could try using dragon naturally speaking to write articles. Then all he'd have to do is proofread and make corrections instead of typing out the whole thing.
I'd agree with the article writing thing. If they're slow at typing then it won't exactly fly by at first, but the more they do it the more familiar they'll become with the keyboard. I know someone who is in her sixties and about 15 years ago she went for a qualification, part of which required her to type reports. At the beginning she was a two-finger, look at the keyboard kind of typist. By the end of the qualification she was flying through documents.

In fact, it might even help with the writing if they are a slow typist, because it gives them more time to think about the keywords they need to fit in the articles. You say they have a laptop so I assume they can at least find their way around a keyboard.