ISO Working YT Commenter


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hello guys,
I have just gotten into the YT scene and have been reading, but I was wondering whether there is a currently working YT commenter. I was hoping to begin commenting on a decently large scale to drive traffic toward a highly wanted content locked item. I would prefer that it would ask me to manually do the captchas, but I wouldn't mind using a service like decaptcha etc.

I realize that comment rating is where a chunk of the money lies, but I simply want to start somewhere and I feel with my aged accounts, a few hundred comments a day would do me justice.

Any help is appreciated.
Anyone? I just need a program that will let you spam comments?
Going to be hard to find a working one now. YT updated their spam filters three days ago and is making it a pain in the ass to spam comment on videos ... I'm still working on updating mine.
Going to be hard to find a working one now. YT updated their spam filters three days ago and is making it a pain in the ass to spam comment on videos ... I'm still working on updating mine.

I figured that would happen with the new format change, but if anyone knows of a good commenter or messenger that has a decaptcha service built in, let me know.
Is Tube Blaster Pro recommended? Also PM'd you moneyfreedom