Is Twitter traffic worth it?


Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Hello :)

Someone offered me 3 tweets to 700K followers for 15$. They are marketing targeted followers. Is it worth it? I built a landing page to promote a new product, and i am basically planning to tweet it to the followers.

I need advice before i buy.

I have done some testing with Twitter traffic but results were poor. Maybe I did it in the wrong way.
i think twitter is not best way to promote your product if you product expensive, you can make a bank with twitter if you start with frebie cpa action or email submit
I advise against that.
Spend money somewhere else.

Twitter purpose is to fulfill the need for attention people have. 100% self-centered; no-one gives a shit about what others write. Even if they are real people.

Think of these tweets like the clickbank IM people newsletters.
Spamming everyone with low quality content. Noone takes it seriously nor optin with their main email address..
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Yeah, but $15 is cheap. If your offer is targeted to the type of followers, you could get a return.
You have to be tightly targeted to get a conversion from CB or a CPA.
It really depends, I would ask the person if you could see where they are tweeting from, he or she may be lying and just trying to scam you. If they refuse to show you their twitter, refuse their service.
I'm trying some Twitter stuff myself right now. It's not very effective yet but I'll keep trying for a while.
I have done Twitter traffic too but the results were disappointing. I think it's very hard to really find high quality targeted traffic.
I tested twitter traffic recently with 5 different CB products in different markets. The traffic was as targeted as twitter traffic can be.
Not a single conversion! Not even on products which I know they convert well.

I did not test the traffic with free offers or newsletter subscriptions so that might work better because generally speaking the conversion rate is higher in these circumstances.

I think this kind of traffic is better for adsense, adbrite or something similar. But again this needs testing.
I really don't think its worth it cause too many spammers nowadays. I have made some sales with twitter but they have to be precisely targeted whether its a product or cpa offer. Also cheap is better but everyone gets little results because of the spamming.
at 700k followers, you might give it a try... I had no results with twitter, only got like 2 optins from 2k followers, and that in a couple of weeks... that's very disapointing