Is this real or fake?

That looks pretty fucking real to me. All those people and nobody took him out with a fucking weapon? Shows you how easily a mob can be intimidated. Someone should have brained him with a bike.
And what's up with the guys is (take your pick): crack, meth, bad acid etc or possibly as Chris Rock once said, "Whatever happened to CRAZY"?
That looks pretty fucking real to me. All those people and nobody took him out with a fucking weapon? Shows you how easily a mob can be intimidated. Someone should have brained him with a bike.
And what's up with the guys is (take your pick): crack, meth, bad acid etc or possibly as Chris Rock once said, "Whatever happened to CRAZY"?

Crazy how a human can get like that.. I was sitting their wondering was this one massive setup or real.. as what the hell is he doing acting like that, especially with the woman :/

the security guard their seemed to be as much use as chocolate fireguard... why employ someone to be the muscle and then watch some nut run around doing mad acrobatics shit with a big afro and some camera person who seemed to have timed it perfectly to see the nut case jump from whatever at the beginning of vid.

Crazy how so many men watched him do that too a woman
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He was almost how I would imagine a caveman to act in pre-historic times.. he also looks like dude out of LMAO as in the group.
Them bath salts got a man doin backflips and shit

LMAO! I know people keep saying hes high but It's crazy if he is actually high that he still able to even do that hand stand thing which requires a lot of balance on those metal barriers where he does the splits on and slides backwards :/

I bet a few peoples quiet journey too and from work was an eventful day that day..

suprised noone kicked him in the nuts
unfortunately it seems real, there's no way to fake something like this with so many people watching.
It looks real except for the recording part of it. Was someone on a standby mode waiting for these actors to begin shooting?
I'm from the SF Bay Area (Oakland) and Yes unfortunately this story was real.

Come to find out the guy is not even from the US, but from some where in Central or South America and didn't have citizenship. it was in the news for days actually about a month ago.

This was in SF, in a pretty tough area called 'The Mission' where there are several gangs that would have literally smoked his ass. I'm surprised he didn't get beat down.

All those people running I would have kicked him in his fucking balls and dropped his ass.
And yes i'm quite capable (I've been training and competing in wrestling, Jiu Jitsu and Wing Chun since i was 12 years old :cool:)
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I'm from the SF Bay Area (Oakland) and Yes unfortunately this story was real.

Come to find out the guy is not even from the US, but from some where in Central or South America and didn't have citizenship. it was in the news for days actually about a month ago.

This was in SF, in a pretty tough area called 'The Mission' where there are several gangs that would have literally smoked his ass. I'm surprised he didn't get beat down.

All those people running I would have kicked him in his fucking balls and dropped his ass.
And yes i'm quite capable (I've been training and competing in wrestling, Jiu Jitsu and Wing Chun since i was 12 years old :cool:)

Yeh I know, I didn't understand the running either, at first I thought was all some crazy setup.. Can't believe he was on those "bath salts" and still able to be quite the gymnast, they seem to do some crazy things nowadays.. it's not like weed or any other drug I have seen, they seem to turn and trigger something in people which is almost animal like behaviour..

I know my friend thinks the whole bath salts game is not some dodgy backstreet lab in china but it's part of a government scheme from china to use social media and westerners love for drugs to fuck up our future ie the kids of today.. that's a whole other story but I could see logic in his thinking..

sorry for rant xD
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The security guard seems doing nothing....
He should be at least doing something, calling for police or backup, perhaps?
The security guard seems doing nothing....
He should be at least doing something, calling for police or backup, perhaps?

Yep and even the fellow who was recording wasn't doing much about watching the woman get pushed over, just was sitting their thinking "dammm I can't wait to get this shit on youtube"

Even the police.. for a big city like SF, where is the 5 0 when you need them?