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Is this domain EMD or not?


Regular Member
Apr 25, 2021
Reaction score
Let's say I want to create a blog about Troubleshooting

The domain is IpadProblem.com (Example)
Example keyword that targeted

1. How to solve Ipad Black Screen of Death
2. How to fix Ipad white spot
3. Is Ipad better than android tablet?
4. Ipad Safari Bug fix
and etc

So, is IpadProblem domain a EMD or not?
I meant nobody search in Google "Ipad problem", so is this domain good brandable name or not?
Not an EMD, as that's a domain that's exactly the same as the keyword you want to target, such as: ipadsafaribugfix.com for ipad safari bug fix.
Nevertheless, it's a good brandable domain.
Not an EMD, as that's a domain that's exactly the same as the keyword you want to target, such as: ipadsafaribugfix.com for ipad safari bug fix.
Nevertheless, it's a good brandable domain.
Thanks for the answer
Thanks for the answer

Keep in mind Ipad is registered trademarked and if Apple decided to legally come after you, you'd be screwed.

iPad® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc

I know you used this as an example, but check for whatever it is you are wanting to use.