is this a decent strategy?


Oct 17, 2011
Reaction score
ok so i have been lurking on this forum for a while but this is my first actual post. im just starting to look into the affiliate side of IM. up until now i was mostly trying to learn about offline consulting. anyway so from what ive gathered so far this seems like it would be a good way to make money with clickbank and similar sites:

1. find a clickbank product that pertains to a certain niche
2. make a website for that niche and link to the particular product
3. do SEO get the page ranked well and whatever else to get traffic

is that pretty much the gist of this? would that be a good way for me to try and make money with affiliate sites or am i missing something? any help would be very appreciated
well what other ways do you plan on getting traffic? try and make sure that the traffic you get is interested in what you're promoting, and are actually willing to buy something. for example, there's little point in promoting to 15 year olds that don't have credit cards.

it has also been mentioned before, but go for people who are in desperation for something. e.g., people who want their ex back, people that are going into debt or want to invest, particular illnesses, wanting to lose weight etc...

be careful though, a lot of those niches are saturated. it would be difficult, but anything's possible.

there's a good thread by meathead if you haven't seen it yet. you should check it out.

edit: but yeah, what you said is pretty much how you do it! :)
thanks for the info corn! is that thread in this part of the forum? could u link me? i searched his name but there was alot of posts and i wasnt sure which was the one u were talking about. thanks
hey, it's a long thread, but well worth the read:

good luck :-)
I wouldn't start with clickbank at all. Most of the stuff there converts horribly to cold traffic. I would focus on physical products that people are already searching for. So think of brand and model names and check out search volume for them. If you do that the demand is already there for the product and you're just putting yourself in front of that demand.

The difference is if you optimize for say "what is the best camera to buy" you still have some selling to do on page. However if you have "cannon XXX model" the people who are searching ALREADY know about the product and are 80% down the line to buying it.
corn: wow thanks this thread is extremely helpful

paul: which affiliate site would your recommend for physical products? does clickbank not offer that type of thing? sorry if thats a stupid question...