Is There Any Other website like Blackhat?

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This forum has a few more honest people who can help out. I've noticed that there is a more honest system here. Even though wherever you go there will be trashy services/advice etc.. BHW has helped me make my first few $ online.
I think the rules don't allow discussing other forums, but I don't know any site super active and well maintained and secondly I don't care, this site is a gem, so many experienced people and they share 1000$ tips for free.
I think the rules don't allow discussing other forums, but I don't know any site super active and well maintained and secondly I don't care, this site is a gem, so many experienced people

There is no other site like black hat world.
This is the best.
We can't compare it with other sites.
Though BHW is not the whole Internet.
For us its the INTERNET.:)

You won't find helping and "blackhats with ethics" peoples anywhere else.;)
Anyone who knows some other websites like Blachhatworld , Pls tell me,Thanks!

I know one called but as promoting other forums is against the ruls, I'll save people picking up infraction by closing this.
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