Is there a Google algo update going on?


Junior Member
Sep 18, 2019
Reaction score
I am in the UK and today getting 6x my normal amount of organic traffic. I normally get so little that it's noticeable and this won't make any difference anyway lol
i think i read somewhere that in november there was. also remember its the holiday season so if ur site has any seasonality... itll peak right about now
i think i read somewhere that in november there was. also remember its the holiday season so if ur site has any seasonality... itll peak right about now
My content is not seasonal, and it would help if it was :) I normally find I change something, get a few more visitors and think I have done something right then read there was an update that night and back to the start :(
So the first thing you need to understand is that Google is always updating its algorithm so it's pretty rare when they actually announce a new Google algorithm update. There are certain principal with an SEO that simply do not change and so if you focus on creating incredible SEO content you focus on optimising the User experience on your website and you acquire links on high quality relevant website with real traffic.
You can protect yourself from Google algorithm update is to continue drive high quality links to your site, and continuously tried to grow your website authority and the best way to do that is to create linkable assets.
There are several updates going on daily basis. But BERT update is now global and may be you benefited with this.
The last few days my organic impressions have skyrocketed on several of my sites while others have remained steady. Kind of thought the same thing when I saw several sites spike on the same day
The Pagerank is an algorithm used by Google search. Google made only a handful of updates to its algorithms. Now, Google makes thousands of of changes every year.
There are several updates going on daily basis. But BERT update is now global and may be you benefited with this.
They do not do updates daily.
They claim they make 2 updates per day, so... Yeah, most likely.