Is that possible with wordpress?


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2013
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I need to create kind of a wiki site. (easy, tons of themes)

The hard part is how to make the site only available for registered users ONLY, AND give rights to certain categories to be read only be certain users. It's ok all of this to be manual.
Yes that's perfectly possible. There's a plugin called user roles editor which can help you to get started.
IMO, Yii would be a better solution here though. Yii comes with built in RBAC (Role Based Access Control)..
you need a membership plug in, search in wp there are a few but i recommend s2Member they have a free version that will do and if its only about registering and not charging for membership they have a free members option
you need a membership plug in, search in wp there are a few but i recommend s2Member they have a free version that will do and if its only about registering and not charging for membership they have a free members option

Can you also set for it to be working as a paid membership. Like benefits by getting premium
OP didn't said he will create it by using WP and that he needs wp plugin.

Why don't you just make a page to be useful for registered users. Non registered can't see anything.
It's not hard at all when you are making it with wordpress. Nowadays there is a bunch of addons for wp. Good luck
Just search for the plugins, free or paid depends on you. Install and configure it, as simple as that.
All this can be done with Wordpress. Also check out Codecanyon, they have some great premium plugins for user roles and membership websites. They also have Wiki plugins for Wordpress :)
I forgot to mention, but I'll be using Wordpress.

Thanks a lot. All answered were helpful!