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is referrerx any better than prstorm?


Regular Member
Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score

I know the owner is on here, so no sharing please but can someone tell me is it any better than pr storm? and if so why? Im wondering because not many people claim good results from pr storm..
In my opinion PRStorm has more Edge.Any other comments are welcome :)
Nothing wrong with PRStorm to be honest and you cannot buy it anymore so you can download it anywhere. Also PRstorm takes like 2 secs to setup and is quick to run, don't know why you would consider anything else to be honest.
yes, prstorm is easy to use and does its job. its also available around here.

i recon you try it for yourself
Yes RefererX is definitely much better than PRStorm. Why? Because PRStrom was meant for spamming while RefererX was meant for Internet marketing. And how is that make any difference? Well by having that in mind RefererX comes with firstly guidelines & techniques to be used, in order for you to get much better conversion rate. Secondly RefererX is capable to promote your links not only to website that uses server base traffic log such as webalizer, awstats, cpanel stats but also to a highly active, responsive, network of feed jit.com through its widget of live traffic feed. None other tool are able to penetrate in this segment.

Promoting links on server base access log alone will not gives you fast results. Wheres by promoting it on feed jit widget you could start seeing traffic coming in as fast as after 30 minutes. (depending on how accurate / targeted your website database is)

FYI RefererX also comes with video tutorials and 3 channels of support (YIM/email/hotline) for you to learn the right techniques that convert well. So now, the option is yours, either you use the same old technique that is slowly ineffective or you choose to move on to the next level of referring technology ONLY through RefererX.
