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is karma real or what?


Apr 8, 2019
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see, is karma real or just a superstitious belief.

is there some scientifc evidence to support karma, or its just co incidental events that are associated with being the karma "thing"
I think people have an inherent need to label and categorize everything we come across, And that includes the effects of doing stupid, immoral, or mean spirited shit often enough that eventually, the consequences of the degeneracy catch up to you like shit thrown in a wind tunnel. The same can be said for the reverse. So I think it's reality is nothing more than a descriptor. The real enemy is sin.
Karma can mean 2 different things in modern times.

There is the religious sense (where it originated, and which we are not allowed to talk about here).

Then there is the logical sense of karma, such as if you help somebody else, they will be more inclined to help you as well. AKA, what goes around, comes around, but this doesn't even need evidence, as it's common-sense.

People often play word games and confuse the two...
If you believe in science, then you cant believe karma because karma is made by God and God was there even before the science came into existance.

To answer your question, it is because of karma you and me came into the earth
The place of birth, color of your skin, family, Money and literally everything is due to karmas.

But most people here are believer of science and dont believe in karma but we all will know the truth when we will die.
I always thought that the idea of karma was nonsense. You can "choose" to be good or do the "right" thing. Or, you can choose not to. Expecting any sort of reward for doing any good deed is a long road to disappointment, when you inevitably bend over backwards for some people and get jack shit in return.

Do good things because you want to. Or, do bad things. Choice is up to you. Something good might happen, something good might not happen.

I do believe in luck though. Right place, right time, right environment. Or, wrong place, wrong time, wrong environment.

Luck makes more sense to me.

People talk about karma when they helped their elderly neighbor with something and find $20 on the ground, but nobody talks about a 5 year child soldier exploding and dying from a landmine or a child born with cancer or something else terrible, where they were never even given the opportunity to do anything, good or bad, and still lose.
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karma is exist in life in relative ratio . you should not worry about it in day to day life because karma aren't ruling power.
but i think 2 things trigger karma . if there is pattern that some person follow to fuck people over non stop or once done something that purely evil against other person who supposed to receive better treatment in return .
I believe in karma and I think it really does matter,Life is fair with everyone.

You scam someone,probably you will be scammed even bigger or you would have to repay this in some or the other form.

I have personally seen live examples people when they do wrong things and later wrong happens with them and this time it is much bigger than what they did,much much worse.

Atleast I believe in karma,rest depends on what your opinion would be.
no i think there was a mistake or mis understanding in my question.
ofcouurse if you do good to people (what goes around comes around), they can do good back, but that is from the good will of their mind.

but im talking here about a case thats different, in terms of things like punishment etc.

imagine a guy scams some one online for huge amount of money.

1. is it guarenteed that karma will hit him back with negative consequences stuff to make him realize he did wrong? or there is chance it wont happen and that if it ever happens its just random.etc ?.
because its not like bad things dont happen in my life even when i do good, bad stuff like injuries, accidents or someone cheating you etc, has happened in my life despite whether ive done good or bad things, which leads me to assume its just random occurrences in life.

for example if someone did something bad today to someone like scamming or robbing or torturing someone, maybe the next day by co oncidence if he gets a big injury or accident. people who believe in karma would automatically associate that injury/accident event of his with karma due to the fact that this guy scammed or robbed someone, but actually it could just be co incidence, daily events , random etc
, this by itself could be the way the universe works to balance things but again im not sure. i just heard about karma. never researched.
im not talking about god or fairy tales coz i dont believe in that, i believe in evidence thats science.

is this still real or what
no i think there was a mistake or mis understanding in my question.
ofcouurse if you do good to people (what goes around comes around), they can do good back, but that is from the good will of their mind.

but im talking here about a case thats different, in terms of things like punishment etc.

imagine a guy scams some one online for huge amount of money.

1. is it guarenteed that karma will hit him back with negative consequences stuff to make him realize he did wrong? or there is chance it wont happen and that if it ever happens its just random.etc ?.
because its not like bad things dont happen in my life even when i do good, bad stuff like injuries, accidents or someone cheating you etc, has happened in my life despite whether ive done good or bad things, which leads me to assume its just random occurrences in life.

for example if someone did something bad today to someone like scamming or robbing or torturing someone, maybe the next day by co oncidence if he gets a big injury or accident. people who believe in karma would automatically associate that injury/accident event of his with karma due to the fact that this guy scammed or robbed someone, but actually it could just be co incidence, daily events , random etc
, this by itself could be the way the universe works to balance things but again im not sure. i just heard about karma. never researched.
im not talking about god or fairy tales coz i dont believe in that, i believe in evidence thats science.

is this still real or what
There is not only one reason that bad things happen for you.

Some things happen to teach you a lesson,improve and toughen you in life so don't blame yourself if bad things are flooded in your life.

Well about the guy who scams,yes he will surely recieve back what he gives,yes it takes time and sometimes even years but the hit will be worse as hell probably what you could not ever think of.
I believe in karma and I think it really does matter,Life is fair with everyone.

You scam someone,probably you will be scammed even bigger or you would have to repay this in some or the other form.

I have personally seen live examples people when they do wrong things and later wrong happens with them and this time it is much bigger than what they did,much much worse.

Atleast I believe in karma,rest depends on what your opinion would be.

again what if that is just co incidence??

well ive personally not investigated this myself. u need a large number of cases to be investigated to know if if karma is real.

for example if you take 100 people, and 100 people scammed someone, if only 60 people got bad consequences in their life and if the remaining 40 did not then karma is nothing more than statistics.

again i did not research yet. let me see what scientific studies got to say
again what if that is just co incidence??

well ive personally not investigated this myself. u need a large number of cases to be investigated to know if if karma is real.

for example if you take 100 people, and 100 people scammed someone, if only 60 people got bad consequences in their life and if the remaining 40 did not then karma is nothing more than statistics.

again i did not research yet. let me see what scientific studies got to say
Don't mix researches,statistics and science into all this,this is a Universe thing and it cannot be put into statistics.
I beleive that it is real. I think its more about the flow of the universe and the journey that we are all on. Karma, rather than being a punishment I think is just an interpretation of the way in which the universe is teaching us to grow as individuals, or perhaps just a reflection of the journey that we are all on as we learn and grow.
There is not only one reason that bad things happen for you.

Some things happen to teach you a lesson,improve and toughen you in life so don't blame yourself if bad things are flooded in your life.

Well about the guy who scams,yes he will surely recieve back what he gives,yes it takes time and sometimes even years but the hit will be worse as hell probably what you could not ever think of.
how can you be sure? that bad thing will hit him? but yes if karma is true .

"Some things happen to teach you a lesson,improve and toughen you in life so don't blame yourself if bad things are flooded in your life. "

thats not true. your case reference is very specific. im talking about unintetional things like if you walk across a room and your leg hits the sharp table edge, giving you a huge amount of pain.
or someone sitting in a parked car, and a speeding truck comes out of nowehere and hits the car , killing the driver etc..

teaching someone a lesson can be if i did something bad at home like, lying to my parents while im a child, they "teach" me a lesson by not letting me play with my toys for a week etc
how can you be sure? that bad thing will hit him? but yes if karma is true .

"Some things happen to teach you a lesson,improve and toughen you in life so don't blame yourself if bad things are flooded in your life. "

thats not true. your case reference is very specific. im talking about unintetional things like if you walk across a room and your leg hits the sharp table edge, giving you a huge amount of pain.
or someone sitting in a parked car, and a speeding truck comes out of nowehere and hits the car , killing the driver etc..

teaching someone a lesson can be if i did something bad at home like, lying to my parents while im a child, they "teach" me a lesson by not letting me play with my toys for a week etc
Damn,you are too serious about things that is useless to talk,please focus on IM and earning money.

Probably keep yourself busy because you seem to be hurt :)
Don't mix researches,statistics and science into all this,this is a Universe thing and it cannot be put into statistics.

universe can be put into science, coz its not supernatural. a lot of things in the universal are explained using instruments and tools in science and also maths
Damn,you are too serious about things that is useless to talk,please focus on IM and earning money.

Probably keep yourself busy because you seem to be hurt :)
im not hurt lol, im just curious if this thing is actually true, and im just asking you how can you be sure.

all we are doing is talking here on a general subject, why would i be hurt?
From religious point of view, God will find a way to deliver you more than equal back for everything you done from your hart.
(time frame and correct amount is unknown)

That's the perfect definition of karma for me, and what I don't believe, but know.

From non religious point of view, karma coming back at you like a boomerang with no specific time frame, neither anything else is determined, as the option above.
(both options are very equal in terms of description, at least IMO)

The only logic belongs to Him, the Creator.