Is it this easy??

Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
I have zero experience with internet marketing. But after looking around the site these are the steps that I picked up on.

1. Make Clickbank account
2. Search for a product that you can write about
3. Write an informative article about the product and offer more information by going to your Affiliate link
4. Submit your article

It seems like Im missing some steps. What else should be done for someone who is just starting out and want to make a few bucks.
yup, it is just that easy...not.

You are missing lots and need to go do some research. It takes more than just dropping a link in an article to convert.
keyword, seo and if the product is interesting. and many more.
and more like 1000 of those CB sites unless you don't mind making a few dollars per month.
Like Tygrus said...a lot more involved than that.

CB wouldn't be my first choice it would be CPA, but either way if you're doing article marketing you're going to need hundreds of articles submitted (if not more depending on the popularity of the product, search volume for the articles keywords etc. etc).

Using Google Trends to find hot niches and then picking out a product to promote from CB with high gravity, doing your keyword research, and then getting the content out there as quickly possible can bring some success apparently. Check out some of Yukinari's threads about CB domination and that will push you in the right direction.
There is lots to learn here and some great advice. Think about what you would like doing, read that section and go from there. Otherwise you'll drown in information.
People are going to try to tell you it's really complicated but it's really not. Getting traffic is the harder part. You need people to visit whatever you publish, thats the challenge. So do that exact technique like 1000 more times at different article submission places and change up your methods by posting at forums and social networking sites and you will get the traffic you need, to your referral ID.

You need to do this a lot, a lot of advertising. Usually ratios are very low for conversion (conversion is people actually buying your product). Somewhere like, 10,000 hits, only 500 may purchase. You can't just write one article and expect 10,000 people to see it you need to write 10,000 articles and maybe 100,000 people will see it. It may seem like those numbers are really high but in a months time it's not very hard to get 50,000 hits to your referral id. And even if only 500 people end up buying, that's still a lot of money you're making from those 500 buyers.

The key is, a lot of work. Never stop, never check your stats all the time. Never look back at the places you posted at, just keep moving on and posting more and more.
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yes, you forgot RESEARCH point. i think this thing is most important.
All his time researching needless things could be spent advertising his affiliate ID. Experience is better than research any day.
Thanks everyone,
Me and my friend are wondering if this would work.

He has a music related youtube video with over 10million views. Would puting a link to the SONICPRODUCER product at the top of the description get alot of hits?
He and I have planed to split any profits.
I think a better idea would be to put the link in an annotation, you know the box that is on the video.. that should definately get some hits, since alot of people don't bother to even look at the description as far as i know
I have zero experience with internet marketing. But after looking around the site these are the steps that I picked up on.

1. Make Clickbank account
2. Search for a product that you can write about
3. Write an informative article about the product and offer more information by going to your Affiliate link
4. Submit your article

It seems like Im missing some steps. What else should be done for someone who is just starting out and want to make a few bucks.

In a nutshell, it is actually that simple. If you break it down, all internet marketing really is is finding buyers (market and kw research) and connecting them with what they want (driving traffic to your chosen product).

Some people disagree, but IMHO article marketing has always been a great way to start out. You learn things that vital to IM like content writing skills, research skills, etc. at the same time you are building traffic and links.

The only downside to articles is can be a bit boring and does take some work...then again, a lot of the menial tasks in this business are (thank god for outsourcing!:D)

In all seriousness though, you have the right idea. The best thing to do is take action on it and continue to do so. Everyone fails at one point or another, so be realistic about your expectations. Don't just write a few articles and think you will be making $100 days in a week or so.

Be consistent, and keep at it. You will be surprised at the results you can achieve within a month of consistent hard work.

All his time researching needless things could be spent advertising his affiliate ID. Experience is better than research any day.

Great point.

Research is important, but it is not what makes you money. Taking action, tracking and analyzing results, and then making the necessary tweaks to your campaigns is what makes money.
research the basics and establish a plan with multiple things to test. you will deviate from the plan and have things that work great and others that fail. just don't get stuck in the researching phase!
Agree with Waterman!

You will make mistakes. But you learn best by implementing. Reading and procrastinating will leave you more experienced, but with no financial gain. Start as simple as you thought, but do it right away and then start adding as you gather new information.
Not exactly, buddy, you should learn from the practice. Online marketing industry changes so fast.