Is It Safe Buying Subs Nowadays?


Power Member
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hi, is it safe to send 1000+ subs, in 24 hours to a channel with low traffic? I mean is there any chance to get banned?
You better drip feed that high amount lol.
Only channels gettin that many subs a day are actual popular ones with a lot of traffic.
That would definalty raise red flags my dude.
It will look very obvious that the subs are fake..
Yeah, really obvious, it has to be slow the first days, then go faster, I don't know, ten days aprox
I actually do not see the point in buying youtube subs. What are you trying to achieve?
I think there are no hard and fast rules here, but of course if your channel is new, and unestablished then if you flood it with subs, views, or anything like that which does not appear natural, then your video will likely be locked or deleted, and possibly your account will be banned.

Be diligent, and do your research. I've done plenty, and mostly I get banned channels. lol
yes and no. Yes because it's true that you can buy it safe, many services on BHW here. No because it's useless.
I actually do not see the point in buying youtube subs. What are you trying to achieve?

Nobody subs to a new channnel with 0 subs. At least you have very unique and extremely interestnig content. If you have regular - medium quality content, you will be strugling in getting subs. An example: a new gamming channel with 1-5k subs will be getting new subs way faster, compared to the same channel without subs. Another example is Pewdiepie. Nowadays he uploads crappy content, but he is still getting thousands of subs every single day, only because he is big and popular.

The numbers matters. You need kick start subs to build credibility.
yes and no. Yes because it's true that you can buy it safe, many services on BHW here. No because it's useless.

Dude, what's wrong with you? Did I have asked about services, or if it's useless or not?

It was a simple question - channel with low traffic. I am sending 1k subs in 24 h. Will I get banned? Yes or No - is all I need.
Why you need to spam other people thread with such crap?

Well, nevermind. I already know the answer. We can close the thread.
1000+ subs within 24 hours seems to be cool, but as "acidol2" said it will surely raise the red flags for the channel.

However, if you mix it up a little bit with drip feed & subscriber engagement, then it will be fruitful. :cool:
I did it about 2 years ago with no issues. A lot has changed since then. If the channel is important, just play it safe and spread them out over 10-12 days.
If your channel have more subscribers than views it has to be so obvious
If you can get that amount over a certain period of time, it could work. As long as you don't get that amount in one shot, it shouldn't cause problems. But you'll need constant videos, maybe a few a week to make it look even more realistic.
I don't think you will have a problem with this as long you have more views than subs
[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: alt1"]Well, you could buy real Youtube views and manual comments, which will be low quantity but high quality but at least you won't get into any trouble either.[/TD]

Dude, are you drunk or something? We were talking about SUBSCRIBERS here. I understand, you need to increase your post count, but this is not the way to go.
i see that only channels that are getting that many subs a day are actual popular ones with a lot of traffic.
i see that only channels that are getting that many subs a day are actual popular ones with a lot of traffic.

Or maybe you simply don't track unpopular new accounts that are built to make money?