Is it illegal to start an escort directory?


May 27, 2012
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And charge escorts who come to my website a monthly fee for being listed?

I dont want to get in any legal trouble, but some people may think im starting a whole "escort agency", when all im doing is listing some girls online.

I just let expire. You could probably grab it up on Godaddy expired domains.
Now there' s a question. I guess it would depend on how you're listing these girls online and what you offer visitors to the site. Will the people who visit also have to pay to see the list of girls?
I'm also kinda curious about this from a legal standpoint.

I really have no idea.. but I would assume it's about how you word things.. like instead of labeling it as call girls or talk about sex on the site.. if you labeled them as girlfriends or dates.

but i'm curious what actually could be said on the site.. without getting into any legal trouble.
The escort business it self isnt illegal, its just that the girls tend to sell sex. Thats the part that is illegal. So as long as you moderated it and kept from obviously stupid posts like "suck your dick for 20 dollars" you will be fine. Have the girls that sign up sign a disclaimer that they wont use the site to sell sex because selling sex is illegal. And have the johns sign a disclaimer thats somewhat similar. If you use your search engine im sure you can find such a site , and im sure they have said disclaimer you can spin.
So as long as you moderated it and kept from obviously stupid posts like "suck your dick for 20 dollars" you will be fine.

But just to be clear: It's totally about the $20 dick suck. OP: Please list in the BST section.
PS. Would like a review copy ASAP.
As long as you are not taking money directly from the girls cut. I don't think there would be a problem. There is a grey area as far as monetizing off of it.
Check out best example I've seen and completely legal.