Is buying an autopilot site worth it?


Jan 17, 2021
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I'm thinking of buying an autopilot travel website on Fiverr. I'll also hire a professional SEO to rank it up. Is it really worth it? Has anyone tried it?
i wouldn't waste your time.
it sounds real sweet in theory.
buy website that auto posts articles. buy some cheap seo package. make autopilot cash.

in practicality its not.

the articles are junk. the cheap seo package is worthless.

look at and see what actual websites making $x,xxx (as promised in all these fiverr gigs i looked through promise if you send traffic) in autopilot are selling for.

should be your clue something is not adding up.
i have one, i require hard work, i have been able to sell to small travel agencies, those that run in small cities, I was able to show that with my "service" at least they will be able to sell online and get the commission, in any case, require a lot of work, there is some money if you focus like me on reselling to small travel agencies business, tiny ones
the articles are junk.
its not about the quality of copied content; its the fact that it is copied content

the content you copy is very likely copied by many other webmasters who had the same "genius" idea as you, in such scenario, the only option you have left is building (buying) backlinks to climb domain authority ranks

so op; dont do it unless youre willing to put $$$ into backlinks OR if you have no to low competition
Let's think, if it were that easy why would they be selling it instead of doing it themselfs? There's your answer :)
Complete waste of time - I have 10 and you ain't banking from those sites if you don't have a twist of some sort.

Also check Fiverr.. Might find someone to do this cheaper.. I got mine done for 40 bucks or so.. I ordered x 10 for 400 $
It depends on how you plan to promote it or share its content.

If you're going to scrape content and share your post on social media, autopilot sites can succeed.

But if you're going to be using search engines such as Google, you'll have a tough time.

First of all, Google just released an anti-spam update that is very sophisticated because it uses the latest artificial intelligence in machine learning.

Second, your content is probably not going to be that engaging even if people do find your stuff.

You have to add some value to your content.

I would suggest crowdsourcing or machine learning type of content or auto-generation based on actual user behavior.

If you want to offer value that will help you fly under Google's radar, stay away from scraping stuff off the Internet, patching them together, and blasting them out.

Remember that it's a losing game for you if you're going to play the game based on auto blogging or autopilot rules from five years ago.

If you're going to try to beat Google by simulating or enhancing user experience, then you may be onto something.
No. Most of the time it won't work at all. It's one kind of trap. You'll simply waste your time.
Buy on autopilot site from fiver?
Run away.