Is blamads open or what ?


Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
Hey anyone know whats up with blam ads ? I joined up last month, about 4 days later got an accepted email but when I login it says my account is still waiting for approval ??
You emailed them before posting about it on BHW, right?

I hope so, I don't know why people think posting here before contacting the network will do any good. Normal responses will be, "contact the network"
Hey anyone know whats up with blam ads ? I joined up last month, about 4 days later got an accepted email but when I login it says my account is still waiting for approval ??

Some network takes few business day to approve.
yea emailed them a wile back, I post about some problems on here because it seems a couple people that work for most cpa networks are on here allot and my questions get answered faster.