Is bank transfer the only payment option with ClickSure?


Power Member
Apr 3, 2009
Reaction score
Well the title is my main question. I looked around the site and did a google search to see if they have any other payment options but could not find anything. Bank transfer is not an option for me and was wondering if they had an option for check or paypal payments.

Any clicksure affiliates that would chime in with an answer and any insight on what kind of network they are to work with would be appreciated.
So... No ClickSure affiliates here? I figured they would at least be a few that could give me some insight on this network.

Well, maybe cause its the weekend. I gotta go to work now and hopefully someone will chime in with an answer.

Thanks Y'all.............................. J
Clicksure affiliate here. I am supposed to received a payment from them today and I am holding my breath. The problem with them is if you are a US resident, the bank transfer is considered an international wire transfer and not a direct deposit like with Clickbank. My bank told me they would charge me $15 per wire transfer. I Will let members here know if I do receive my affiliate payment from them.
Im receiving regular payment from clicksure via wire/bank transfer.

For OP..that's the only payment option available.

If you really want to promote clicksure offer maybe you can ask your friend to use his bank account or jv someone here in bhw.
Hello guys,

Have any one get payment form clicksure at this pay period ending 25-Nov-12 and payment date was 29-Nov-12 ? i have checked in my bank several times but no payment yet. i have tried to contact clicksure support but they are not responding to any of my e-mails. have any one have this experience at this pay period ? keep posting. i will keep updating.