Is Amazon affiliate scumming me?


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2016
Reaction score
Seriously, I'm noticing something weird from quite some time. I don't know if they are scumming me or they have some hidden rules that I don't know about.

As far as I know, commissions are calculated on the Price - VAT formula right?
Today for example, I've sold an item. VAT for this item is 28,46€ so, Original Price - VAT results to be 100,9€. My commission should be calculated on 100,9€.

But on my account I see they are calculating the commission on 90,16€. Why? What's the meaning of that number? Where are the other 10€?
Maybe someone returned something. Also, the data comes in slow, check again in 12 hours.
Is VAT final for Europe? If not it could be a miscalculated figure that is corrected, try checking the price again after clearing and refreshing your browser cache and cookie.

Else, might be due to a change in shipping price?