Invite friends to a page a second time?


Dec 8, 2011
Reaction score
So on my personal facebook account I have about 750 friends and I have a page that I want as many of them to like as possible.

I did an "invite all friends at once" trick when I first made the page, which was sometime last year, back when the suggestion came through as nothing more than a small tick on the side bar.

Now that suggestions come through as a notification, there's more of a chance that people will see it and click on it.

So my question is, is there a way to re-invite all those people that (when you go into suggest page to friends) are greyed out?

There has to be some way to get around that script.

Unfortunately there is NO way to do that again.

Facebook now limits each invite to 40 people or so.

But, I think a bot can be easily made for that.
Not off hand, however, post a thread in the hire a freelancer section and you'll find someone. They might even do it for free.