Introduction - My dreams and my Passion.

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Oct 9, 2016
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Hello BHW

A little bit about myself.

I'm 16 years old, born the 21st of August on a little town in Arizona. Raised in Mexico and currently living a decent life. My family is financially stable and we travel every year. I fairly enjoy sports. I am mainly a Football (Soccer) and Baseball fan (Europe football and Anerican Baseball).

Academic wise, I don't enjoy school. Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting bullied or anything related, it's just that the system teaches me things I'm not really interested in. Math, and literature are my favorite subjects. Apart from that, I don't pay much attention to others.

I've been doing stuff I don't like for a long time, it wasn't my parents fault, nor anyone elses, it was mine.

Recently I discovered my passion.


I love studying foreign lenguages. Although I barely started, I already have some goals in mind.

- Learn French, German, Italian, and Chinese by 2019.

- Travel the world, learn new things, and live a decent life.

Now, what is a 16 year old kid who wants to learn foreign lenguages doing on the biggest IM forum on the web, you might ask.

Well, I love learning, although I'm not mainly focused on SEO, I like torrenting and coding stuff. So let's see how this run goes.

Thank you for your time.


- Polyglot
Hey man! I'm 15 turning 16 years old October 20. Its a excitement finding someone my around my age. I've joined about a month ago and learned all sorts of stuff here. A gold tip is just to read and test. Reading for about two weeks about money making methods I figured out I had to take action to see results so I started with the Clickbank + Twitter method and after about 1 month I made my first sale of $33 I thought I would never make a sale. After that first sale I am still striving for my second. If you need anything PM me and Welcome to BHW - Ben

I'm learning German, so if you want to practice, talk, write on German we can.
my skype is: musicacecic
I'm from Croatia and I speak Eng, ofc Croatian and learning German.
I'm learning German, so if you want to practice, talk, write on German we can.
my skype is: musicacecic
I'm from Croatia and I speak Eng, ofc Croatian and learning German.
That'd be great. I'm currently not into German nor Croatian, but as soon as I finish Finnish I'll hit you up.

It seems like you are really ambitious. Good luck, and welcome to BHW!
Welcome aboard, I feel you will be a success. Good luck to ya

Thank you for the kind words guys! I appreciate it. :)
Hey mate how are you doing your dreams at Arizona. I have lost all hope tho, currently working as a minimum wage worker here in Chengdu, China.
not to rain on your parade, but 'learning' is not a goal.
why do you want to learn all those languages? when you have a goal, learning becomes a easier.
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