Interested in site flipping.

Jan 14, 2015
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So as The title says I am interested in doing some site flipping to earn some big time cash.

I have a lot of time and I'm thinking that I can use Fiverr gigs to help me create a functional website with a lot of traffic.

I can invest up to $500.00 Into a website , how much do you think I can make with that much of an investment.

I am currently learning some Udemy courses about site flipping and is getting me anxious into joining this kind of business.
Just building a functional website won't be worth anything to anyone. You need to have a website with visitors at least and one that makes money will be even more valuable. You will see the sites on Flippa selling for the most money meet these criteria. If you go on there and check out the recently sold you will see the amount of money websites sell for. But check out why. They will have analytics proof of visitors and earnings etc. some will have social media presence and possibly a subscriber list.

Also avoid fiverr gigs. You could build a wordpress site your self easily. And use your 500 to build targeted traffic.

Some people will sell you a guide that says you can quickly make money sight flipping by building a site and selling it. Truth is there is always more work involved.

As as for your question. How much can you make on a 500 investment. You could lose it all. You could break even. You could make 100 bucks. You could make a 1000+. It's up to you. How smart you execute the plan.
Thank you very Much for the information , I will be looking and learning more about site flipping and then I will get started into creating a good website with a lot of traffic.
It would be better if you could sale MNS in BHW.
Lots of peoples are buying these days and you will get much more bucks then flipping.
:D :D :D
What is MNS ? Interested in that , where can I get more details from ?
It's Micro Niche Sites.Use these sites to leverage daily untapped traffic from major search engines.
You need to find good long tail keywords to use with MNS.
I have a MNS. I want to sell it.. If you are interested then let me know...