Intelligent Badoo Chat Bot Final Stage - Beta Tester Needed

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Power Member
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys,
I have been creating an intelligent badoo chat bot - I have been using it quite a while in secrecy but I have updated it a bit and am planning to make it available to the masses, meaning I am making a full application that everyone can work with..

I think you guys know what badoo is and its HUGE potential to make money ;)

The bot has the following features:
- proxy usage
- multithreading will be a feature as well very soon

- checks if someone has messaged you or not
- if yes, check whether you have been messaging him before and if so - just ignore it
- if no (new match or he started texting you first and you havent been responding so far) - it will send a message, split in two messages, all with pauses in between
- send and then wait again
- go back to checking if someone messaged or not

I am now looking for someone to test a few functionalities and get his suggestions, thats pretty much it. If anyone is up to, just PM. First come first serve.
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I'm interested to be a beta tester of your bot
I'm up for testing, been botting some tinder for a while now :)
very interested! would love to try it.
what can that bot do?
PM Me, i have many years of experience in this field and I can help you improve the bot.
or you can add me on skype: jasnlcas
alright guys,
testing is good so far, need just a few other people who are willing to help JUST a lil bit to make this thing ready completely ;) you will get the chance to use it (with my supervision at the beginning pre-release)...

I need someone with a badoo account ready to do some testing

Just PM me :)
I would really like to test or use this bot. I can help program or have new ideas to. what kind of code do u use? gr jelle
Testings are doing good so far, just in need of one or two badoo accounts to borrow (optionally with proxies). I will insert your messages into the bot ;)
im interested, i have alot of mobile phone numbers for verify and private proxys.
(can't sent PM) i have skype maybe send me your adress
I am interested in assisting if still needed. Im also interest in your bot capabilities and availability.
Hi. I would be interested in buying traffic or push a mobile offer when this is ready. Also interested in other similar sources.
I would very muhc be interested in this one! Let me know if you still offering
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