Instant Articles Monetisation, losing eligibility...


Dec 18, 2015
Reaction score
Hey, does anyone gets this situation?

Losing eligibility for Instant Articles Monetisation, appealing, getting a bot message, not explaining anything at all, regaining eligibility, again with no explanation, losing it again, after just 24 hours?

Is it a new disfunctional algorithm of Facebook? Is it a bug? Can't understand anything, was happening without any notification.
Welcome to Facebook :).

Losing eligibility for IA is a common thing. Even if a single post of your page is a flagged for copyright issue or nudity etc. You'll lose IA and they don't tell you whole lot about it. Also, there isn't much chance of you getting it back.

IMO just try to monetize in some other way like merch selling, affiliate etc.
same here, we got that exact message without any reason or example.

question is, will they pay the money we earned in last month? found nothing about the futurefof the earned balance when instant articles are banned.