Instagress alternative


Nov 25, 2021
Reaction score
I've used instagress in the past years with great success. Is there something similar now to automate engagment?
Dont use any such tools, and these websites throw fake followers rather than real engagement. Look for a VA or a Manual Service doing it for you, it will be very helpful in the long run.
What are you talking about lol.

Instagress was a bot designed for follow-unfollow and any regular account-side actions. From where the fake followers should come exactly? You are trying to advertise your service again by deliberately giving out false information.
Instagress was a bot designed for follow-unfollow and any regular account-side actions
I wasnt specifically aware about this bot.
You are trying to advertise your service again by deliberately giving out false information.
Whats the false info above? Everything I said is a fact.VA or Manual Service will always be around, even when none of the bot works.
Whats the false info above? Everything I said is a fact.
"these websites throw fake followers rather than real engagement."

If you don't know what you are talking about then maybe don't comment.
You tried to shill your services to this person while giving out false information.

I have never heard that Instagress, Jarvee or any similar software will give you bot followers so what are you talking about? You told them not to use this tool but to go instead with a manual service that you happen to sell so you tried to help only yourself.
You told them not to use this tool but to go instead with a manual service that you happen to sell so you tried to help only yourself.
Maybe you forgot to quote me or did that on deliberate. Just because its a fact that Manual>>Automation so I am not going to stop saying that. Infact I always mention use a VA or any services, nowhere I mentioned use mine only lol